Chapter 18 - First Deadly Encounter, Signaling War

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Izuku POV:
My lungs gasped for air. The horrible headache pounded at my skull from the inside, as I gaped like a dead fish. My vision became blurry. It felt like I was two steps away from death, which was awaiting me with opened arms.
"Come on Izu! If you don't do it you won't get dinner!" My brother yelled from bellow. I gasped, doing another chin up, the 47th one.
Yes, as you can see, I am completing another day of the "Asahi training" schedule, but now it is much more ruthless. In this hour after lunch, I was forced to do  a sprint down the beach shore and back again, mind you, on the sand, then 50 push-ups, 50 sit ups while not exactly sitting, but hanging by my knees on a chin up pole upside down and lifting my whole body till I kiss my knees. And then! Then I had to do another 100 burpees, 100 full squats and now I'm up to the last exercise - 50 chin ups. And all this without a break!
The problem is, I couldn't say no either, because Asahi threatened to take away my dinner and eat it all himself. I know it sounds childish, but if you really know Asahi, you would know that there was a very good chance of him doing exactly that. And I want my dinner.

And so, I huffed, and I puffed, and my chin, for the 50th time finally reached the pole. I groaned and let go, landing on the floor and sprawling. My muscles on my arms burned, my legs felt as though they were ripped off, my head was pounding from way too much hanging on poles and switching between pressure levels.
Asahi clapped and nodded. "Yes, good job. Now get up, I want to get home before it gets completely dark."
I groaned loudly. Asahi sighed.
"Fine. I'll help you."
He lifted his arm and his fingertips glowed purple, then suddenly I started lifting of the ground and flying. I gasped again, but then realised that it's the kids quirk.
"Wow, thanks." I sighed and relaxed.
Asahi nodded. "You owe me an apple."
I groaned again, then laughed, as Asahi smiled.
His emotions are coming back. He actually smiles now. I smiled.

We came back home, and I got dropped onto my bed. I burrowed myself into my pillow and sighed.
Asahi, though, opened the front door again and disappeared. I was way too tired to care, and besides I knew the boy was smart and wouldn't cause trouble, so I quickly fell asleep.
I woke up to a lovely smell coming from the dining table. I opened my eyes and glanced at the middle of the room. On the table there stood two bowls with awesomely looking ramen.
I licked my lips and didn't even notice how I jumped up from my bed, into the chair and sat down.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Asahi stepped out. He noticed me and nodded.
I raised my eyebrow, finally fully awake. "Uhm... hey."
Asahi sat onto the other chair.
"Itadakimasu." He said. I then noticed the bowl of ramen and my brain suddenly realised that with my money I couldn't of afforded this.
"Wait, where did this come from?"
Asahi looked up at me.
"Mei. I passed her house when walking to the mail box and she called me over, giving me some plastic boxes. She said she and her mom ordered take in, and had leftovers. She wanted us to have them."
I looked at the bowl again. Yep, they were definitely our old bowls.
Then I looked up again. "Wait, why did you go to the mail box? We usually check the mail on Fridays." I wondered.
Asahi then nodded and started searching his pockets. After some time he obviously found the thing he was looking for, which ended up being an envelope, and he passed it to me.
I took it and looked at the sender. It said: UA high school, to Hazumi Toshiro.
My eyes widened. "UA?! Wait that means there's gonna be a projecting thingy! Which means I have to change.."
Asahi shook his head. "No, to make things easier, just hack into the system and make an image to be seen instead of you."
I clapped my fist. "Right." 
I ripped the envelope up and a grey circle thing rolled out. I picked it up from the floor and put it on the table. Then, I quickly connected my USB cable from my laptop to the side of the grey thingy, and easily hacked onto the device. Clearly, the teachers didn't expect anyone to think about hacking the device, they thought the students will just hurry up and click the button to hear the news.
I opened up the app and started fixing up the teachers view of the projection. I uploaded a picture of my Toshiro face, and made it so it'll fit my face right now without any or much glitches. It still moves and does what I do. I smiled when I finished and pressed enter. I unplugged the cable and pressed the button on the grey thingy.

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