39 • N E W • W E E K • N E W • M E

67 2 5

"Mads! I'm heading out!" I shout as I grab and pull over my puffer jacket over my shoulders putting it on

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"Mads! I'm heading out!" I shout as I grab and pull over my puffer jacket over my shoulders putting it on.

"Got the apartment key, car keys, and your phone?" she questions

I check my pockets and pull out the apartment key and look around for my phone and car keys.

"Got the apartment keys but not the others" I laugh and walk over to the kitchen where Maddie was at and grab my phone and car keys, "thank mom" I laugh

"Gross! Go to work stupid"

It's been a little over a week since the argument with Dean and Mateo, let's not forget it's also been a little over a week since Mateo walked into Dean and me, let's not forget I haven't seen Dean since then. I know May and Maddie don't like that I'm pretending nothing happened but in order to survive I have to forget about my past and move on.

After everything that happened May went to my house and packed a few bags and brought them over to Maddie's apartment. I haven't spoken to Mateo, mom, or dad. I don't know if my parents hate me for getting with Dean but to be honest I don't want to find out.

Three days after the whole thing happened Maddie helped me buy a car, she also put in some money and helps me pay for the car meanwhile I help her pay for groceries. Speaking of I have to give her money for the end of this month since I'm paying half the apartment rent.

I got a job at Nina's Bakery, it's been eventful but it's been occupying my mind, keeping me busy. When it's not busy in the store I sit down and start writing. I've written three chapters so far, I started a book, and I'm not quite sure if I'll be publishing it but it helps calm me when I end up thinking about the moments I've had with Dean.

Do I miss Dean? Hell yes. But I can't forgive him, he lied to me, he didn't tell me about the deal and I don't think he ever would have. I'm making the right choice. It's time to focus on myself.

"Get going, Chan! You're going to be late!" Maggie says kicking my leg and knocking me out of my thoughts. I exit the apartment and unlock my car walking over to it.

I open the door and hope inside inserting the key in the slot and twisting it turning the car on. I set my phone down on the stand I have and open Spotify and click on my 'Hot girl summer Playlist', I start the engine and turn on the air conditioner a bit and start backing up to get out of my parking spot.

"Fuck you, and you" I sing out

I stop at the red light look around at my surroundings then back at the light and watch it turn green. I take my foot off of the break and back on the gas start the car again and continue driving. My phone begins to ring and I look down and see that it was my mom calling. I groan and tap on the decline button and get back to my song.

The phone begins to ring again and I look down, as my mom calls me again. I sigh and tap on the accept button.

"Hello?" I question keeping my eyes on the road

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