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I don't know why I thought trying to get Miles to act straight would get Dean jealous

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I don't know why I thought trying to get Miles to act straight would get Dean jealous. I mean what good is it doing to me!? He grabbed me, pinned me, made me feel so many types of ways.

Many ways that made my legs feel exactly like jelly, I turned into fucking liquid. Complete mush.

I walk into the bathroom and stare myself in the mirror, Dean you think I'm fucking you up? I'm making a gay person act straight for me, not that I hate Miles, I love Miles and he's been a great help. But I did not think that Dean would be disrespectful towards him.

Although he won't tell me what they discussed about.

I get completely undressed and walk into the shower and put my face into the water head letting the water drip down my face. Not hot enough. I turn the water a bit hotter so my skin turns red so I don't have to think about Dean. But it's no help he's coming into my mind.

As I'm in the shower I open the curtain and reach over to my phone and play some music and close the curtain washing myself with my favorite Ocean Breeze body wash. It smells so good, it's the key to a good smelling body.

After I finish putting the body wash I make sure to rinse out my hair. I exit the bathroom and wrap the towel around my head and then grab another towel to wrap around my body. I look at myself In The mirror so I can do a face mask along with other things and that's when I see it.

I'm fucking blue. I'm the fucking ocean color, no actually the ocean can be a nasty ass dirty green. Let me not compare it to the ocean. Im the color of the damn sky when there's no clouds. No not even that I'm a Smurf, a literal Smurf, the Smurf you see in the TV. I'm the literal fucking definition of one.

"DEAN FUCKING WALTON!!!" I yell and open the bathroom door and stare at him "I AM SO GONNA FUCKING MURDER YOU!"

"Wow can I teal I glance?" Dean says looking at me and laughing

"No funny Dean. You are not funny" I glare at him meanwhile he's still laughing at his stupid ass pun that he made

I can hear loud footsteps come from outside the room and then the door slams open revealing a worried Mateo.

"Dean? She's gonna kill you do you need protection?"

"No" Dean responds through his immortal laughter

That's when Mateo looks to the right and sees me in a towel, but not just the towel, the fact that I'm BLUE. THE COLOR BLUE! not the damn dark, navy blue, no the PURE BRIGHT BLUE. THE SMURF BLUE. IM EVEN SHORT LIKE THEM.

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