1 • L A S T • D A Y

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Lockwood, New York

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Lockwood, New York

My alarm clock starts setting off at 5:30 in the morning. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL BITCHES!!

After that, I'm done!! College? That's a work in progress it's undecided.

I get up from bed and begin to make the bed by throwing the pillows on the floor and putting the plaid quilt over the mattress, grabbing a plain sage green throw blanket from the floor and throwing it on the edge of the bed.

I bend down to grab all the pillows that I threw on the floor placing them back onto my bed. As I place the pillows on the bed I grab my favorite frog plushy and put it right in the center of my pillows and walk out of my room to get ready.

Today is the day I walk out of this shitty old place and have an amazing summer with my awesome boyfriend of course.

Steve was my guy. My perfect other half. We've been together since 9th grade, I was a cheerleader then dropped out because I realized I was definitely not fucking flexible. Steve was the lacrosse captain. First in line. He was smart, and handsome, and had an amazing GPA. He was the guy everyone drooled over.

After Dean left high school.

Shut up. Dean was irrelevant not only washed the guy who slept with every fucking female in High school he was an annoying jock, let's not forget his mommy and daddy are filthy rich.

But enough about Dean Walton. I'm glad I never have to see the guy again. Once I graduate I'm going to relax and you best believe me when I say. I am MOVING OUT, you know to avoid him.

You don't want to be near Dean Walton, he is a cold heartless bastard who thinks he can get whatever he wants whenever he wants it.

I sat at the edge of my seat staring at the clock

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I sat at the edge of my seat staring at the clock. My eyes straining to stay open. Tears pooled on the water line from how long I hadn't blinked. Time was going really slow. I needed it to be over already.

Waiting for that goddamn minute hand to strike twelve. Only fifteen more seconds and my days could be spent how I wanted, free of this hellhole of a high school until the day I died.

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