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The trip was much longer than it was when we were going over there

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The trip was much longer than it was when we were going over there. We continuously kept stopping and took breaks, went out to eat, and slept. The main reason we had to eat was that we didn't really have food in the RV we went completely empty. The trip last almost a month, about three weeks, and four days are extra.

Sadly it did have to end shortly due to the lack of food we had and my parents didn't really want to keep grocery shopping for the RV knowing that we have to go back to the house and check the food and see what was expired and what wasn't.

This was the only thing I didn't like when we went on long trips, no one would come and check on the house, and mom always had to make sure the bill was paid before the month ended then we'd get back and do grocery shopping meanwhile I stayed home and unpack my bags since I was always the one bringing the most.

Unfortunately, there were two and a half weeks left before Mateo and Dean went back to college, we wouldn't see Mateo until Thanksgiving, and well Dean... I'm not sure, he's never really come for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I'm just worried that what if I won't see him for another two years, what if what we had was just a summer fling? I mean I know I won't be going to college but I did want to start my own business.

Making stickers, creating shirts, making prints for cups, and of course journaling and taking pictures. There are a lot of things want to do that I quite haven't figured out yet. The talk me and Dean had back at the RV wasn't nearly enough, I get he wants to take things slow for me but what if we don't have much time? I mean for fucks sake, he leaves in two and a half weeks.

I really need to talk to him. We need to have a discussion, I'm just scared it won't end the way I want it to.

After grabbing my things from the RV I make my way inside the house and up the stairs to my bedroom to set the things down. It's nice to be back at home. I look around my room flipping the light switch on and running my hands across my bed slowly making my way towards my window where I had a couple of books stacked in the corner.

I sit at the edge leaning against the frame and staring out the window looking at the light blue sky that was slowly getting covered by the dark gloomy clouds. I stare at the sky for what seemed like forever and close my eyes taking in the smell and fresh air of my room.

I sit up from the window and begin unpacking my bags setting the suitcase on top of my bed throwing the shoes behind me into a high pile. Then there's a sudden knock at my door that scares me causing me to slightly jump as I turn around to look at my door.

"Mom and Dad are heading out to get groceries, I'm going out with Maddie to set up her apartment and settle in," Mateo says letting me know the plans

"Take pictures! I want to see it, oh and send me the address" I smile looking at Mateo as I turn my head back to my suitcase and take the clothes out, and fold whatever was clean.

"I'll send the address but you don't even have transportation to get there," Matek responds with a slight chuckle and I roll my eyes at him

"For your information, mom said we'd go to the dealership next week," I say and sticking my tongue out, and then chuckle

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