8 • C H E A T E R

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I'm actually kind of surprised that my parents decided to have a family trip, and Dean

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I'm actually kind of surprised that my parents decided to have a family trip, and Dean. Who knew that our new RV would be able to fit five people comfortably. Except I have no clue where Dean is going to sleep tonight but that's none of my concern as of right now. Mom and dad are going to be taking turns driving. They still haven't told us where we're going but I'm going to assume it's a long drive.

My parents are blasting music and everyone is singing but me and Dean. I'm telling you I only think Dean has one emotion. And that's pleasure. Is pleasure even an emotion? Who knows. But it sure is Dean.

Here I am thinking about Steve. If he really cheated on me. I look out the window and see that we hit the country side of New York. There was only land and a couple of animals out. For it almost being summer it's pretty cold outside.

An hour into the ride were stuck in a huge traffic jam, a car slipped on to the side and is currently hanging on halfway. It's scary because right below them is a body of water. I hope they're okay and sure hope they get out safely, I do not want to see anyone dying on my trip to god knows where.

About a little more than half an hour we finally get out and things are going smoothly, Mateo had asked me what's wrong a couple of times but I told him I'm fine and Dean keeps staring at me while I keep glaring at him.

"Hey mom?" I question

"Yeah?" She answers slightly turning the music down so she can hear me

"Where are we going?"

"Florida, we haven't been there in ten years, we figured we should take you guys"

I simply just nod and turn my gaze back outside the window then back at my phone.

I really shouldn't do this...

Me: Hey Steve... Can I ask you something..?
Me: but you have to promise to be honest.

No reply.

Still waiting...

Now I'm anxious, should I delete it?

I should definitely delete it, then he won't question me. He'll never know.

As I go to delete it the three dots show up that's he's typing. Oh god now I'm scared, now I'm even more embarrassed that I even texted him 3 days after the break up.

Stupid Ass Cheater: What's up Chanel?
Stupid Ass Cheater: You know I'll only ever be honest with you baby.

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