20 • B I R T H D A Y

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I stare at Luca as he eats the waffles and bacon that I prepared since Miles was still upstairs sleeping

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I stare at Luca as he eats the waffles and bacon that I prepared since Miles was still upstairs sleeping. I think...

Do you think he stayed with that guy? I completely forgot his name. Was it Robert? Drake? No Gale! YES GALE! Do you think he stayed with him? Wait if he did that means he wasn't an old man. That's good shut up.

His name is also most definitely not gale neither

Im serious, what if Miles fucked him. Do you think Miles likes it in the ass? I mean he is gay right? CHANEL SHUT UP

Right sorry.

I grab the plate full of bacon off of the table and use a fork to scrape more bacon into Luca's plate.

"You just love bacon huh?" I say after giving Luca the rest of the bacon and combing the back of his head with my fingers since it's all over the place.

Luca happily takes the bacon in his bare little hand and takes a giant bite. He looks up from his plate and beams the most adorable smile at me.

"Mi corazón va a explotar," I mumble, hiding my red face in my hands.
{translation: my heart is going to explode)

As I remove my hands from my face, I look back at Luca and he's staring at me with a blank expression confused about what I just said.

"Don't worry about it L.G oh my god it sounds like Luigi!"

"Like Luigi in Mawio?" He questions looking up at me with a huge grin on his face

I love the way this kid talks, it's so cute how he can't pronounce some words because he's so little but the fact that he even knows that many words is amazing. He's only three with a huge vocabulary.

"Well, well, well, what did the cat drag in the noose?" Miles says walking into the kitchen completely wrong of the words he said

"Miles, you said that wrong. But I'm just going to pretend that you said that right" I laugh and eye his grabbing a piece of waffle from Luca's plate and giving him a playful wink.

"MILES! That's mine!" Luca screams now annoyed that smiles took his waffle

"Sorry bud but I'm hungry," he says sliding the waffle into his mouth and walking over to the fridge to grab and water bottle "You ready?"


"To drop you home of course"

I laugh and realize that I was still at Miles' house, everything here was so natural. It felt like I was back at Lockwood making myself food.

I haven't made food in a while but being in Miles' home made me feel so safe, I didn't have to worry about arguments and I sure didn't have to worry about Dean Walton.

But the best thing of course was having the company of this little one. I look over at Luca and smile. He can brighten up anyone's day. Without even trying.

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