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Ok. We'll just pretend we don't see him and in hopes of that, hopefully, he will just walk away. I'll just avoid eye contact and look at the floor so he doesn't think I heard him.

I refuse to let another fight happen therefore there cannot be another damn fight. Not if I can't see who's hitting who, and how bad it is.

Not saying Dean will get hurt because he is a literally bulk of pure muscle while Steve has well... You know a little bit of muscle.

Let's not forget that Dean has those sexy ass dimples that form on his face when his sexy smile appears. Not that Steve doesn't have dimples... his smile is just a bit... how do you put it.


Yeah that, wait SLOAN THAT'S MEAN!

"Chan!" Steve continues shouting this time closer

I bite my inner lip and look in the other direction, what the hell is taking Dean so long?!?

You know what... I don't want to answer that question.

"I know you hear me, Chan, I just want to talk" he sighs as he stands a few feet away from me

I sigh and turn around to face him, he walks over to the bench that isn't that far from the shower I was standing outside from. The one Dean was in, the one I was in before Dean entered it.

I stand where I'm at and can see his face a little bit with the light that was shining on his face.

"Please. Can we just talk" he says with his voice calm practically begging?

"Ok" I let out a huge breath and walk over to the bench sitting next to him leaving a big space between us.

He goes to move closer to me but I stop him and push him back to the other side and continue to look at the shower door.

Please Dean whatever you do, don't come out of the shower. Not now.

"Look, what I did was shitty. I get it."

"Which part?" I question, do I sound like a smart ass? Too bad

"Everything" he sighs

"I agree then"

"I shouldn't have dumped you through text" he adds

"You shouldn't have dumped me in the first place, your reason was stupid as fuck" I add with a slight of annoyance peaking through my voice.

"Look it was stupid, I know. I just want to apologize" he says putting his hand on my thigh and I shift my leg and he sighs removing his hand and looking at me "When I saw you with Dean today, it fucking broke me"

I don't say anything and just look at him with a small pout on my lips, now feeling bad.

"When he texted me through your phone it hurt like a bitch, I thought you two were fucking around. But you aren't the type to kiss or fuck someone after just getting out of a relationship"

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