28 • J U I C Y • D U I C Y

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The light shines through the massive window from the bedroom and shines in my face causing my eyes to immediately squeeze shut and then open adjusting to the sudden light

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The light shines through the massive window from the bedroom and shines in my face causing my eyes to immediately squeeze shut and then open adjusting to the sudden light. Chanel's body is still tucked under my chest when I wake up. Her unruly mass of hair is tied up, yet strands of her hair fall over her face.

I pull away just a little bit to give Chanel a little space but she moves with me, pressing her face into my chest. Her lips are as cold as ice.

How the hell is she cold? It's like a sauna in here!?

I grab the end of the blanket and pull it over her shoulder. Chanel's arm loops over my torso, pulling herself impossibly closer to my body.

Heat rushes to my ears when Chan presses herself against my bulge. Fuck.

I jerk my lower half away and pull the covers over Chanel's head, resting my chin on her blanketed head. Chan's petite body squirms up the sheets until her head pops up from the covers onto the pillow, her face, facing mine. Her arm no longer sits around my torso, but between our faces, almost like she's defending herself from something. Chanel's nose wrinkles and her face contorts, squeezing her eyes together firmly. I wrap my hand around Chan's two clenched fists and push them down, so I could clearly see her face again. I raise my hand and brush her pouting lips with my thumb, setting my other four fingers on her smooth cheek. She retracts her lips into her mouth like she's tasted something sour. I gently flick her nose and it starts wiggling.

Messing with her is fucking phenomenal.

I flick her nose again and she starts wiggling it again and I try to hold in my laughter as her lips form back into the pout she previously had.

I chuckle to myself and brush her ridiculously cute pouting lip with my thumb.

She looks so sweet and innocent when she's asleep.


"I'm not done talking, shut the fuck up and sit back on that damn bed. You don't think I mean that? I do Dean. I hate you so fucking much, I hate the way you look at me, I hate the way you calm me down, I hate the way you made me feel like I was enough like I had a shot like I was something that brightened your day. But the reality is Dean, it was all a damn lie, a fucking fantasy." Chanel says now full-on crying, the tears that she was holding back no longer stayed back. Her face was covered in tears, in the tears that I caused, the pain that I caused her. She didn't deserve what I did, she didn't deserve me.

"You're worse than Steve"

My jaw clenches and I look at her while tears are now filling my eyes, how could she compare me to him?

He left her at the worst moment of her life, for fucks sake he left her alone because she didn't want to go to college. He should be ashamed of himself. He dumped her for no reason, if that was his reason it was stupid, he's stupid. Immature.

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