Chapter seven - Stop

Start from the beginning

Adam got closer to me and grabbed me by the waist again.

'Adam, stop.' I tried to pull away again. The boy his hands only moved upwards, towards my chest.

'If you tell someone about this, you'll pay for it.' He whispered in my ear.

'Can you- can you stop?' My voice sounded shaky.

Adam moved his hands on my chest and that's when I got enough. I kicked him in the crotch and ran out of the med-hut. Tears streamed down my face as I ran towards my own hut.

I closed the door behind me and put my desk chair in front of it, in case Adam would try to come in. I fell down on my bed and cried in my pillow, tears wetting it.


The next morning I remembered what happened the previous day. A weird feeling got trough my whole body and I shivered.

I rubbed my eyes and got dressed. Newt had got my shorts and brought them to the Sloppers.

He's so nice, and kind and-.

I immediately stopped my thinking and walked out of my hut.

'Thanks, Fry.' I said as I got my breakfast. I looked around at all the tables and noticed Newt and Minho, but next to Minho was Adam. He looked at me and grinned.

I was definitely not going to join them. I quickly looked away and noticed Jeff, Clint and Zart sitting at another table. I walked over to them.

'Can I join?' I bit my lip.

'Of course, sit down.' Jeff moved to the side so I could sit.

'Thanks.' I sat down and started eating. I could literally feel Adam's eyes burning in my back as I ate. I quickly finished and the two other Med-jacks did too, so I followed them to the med-hut and started working.


'Time for lunch.' Jeff said after I patched up a Builder his hand.

'Alright.' I threw some dirty bandages away and followed the two boys outside.

The three of us got our lunches. 'Do you wanna sit with us, Greenie?' Jeff asked. He motioned at a table with three boys sitting at it. Clint, Zart and Adam.

I felt really bad to say no to Jeff, but I didn't want to sit with Adam.

'I'm sorry, but is it okay if I join at dinner? I don't wa-'

'Hey, it's alright.' Jeff interrupted me. 'You can sit with us at dinner.' He smiled and sat down next to Clint.

I looked around and noticed Gally and Mike sitting somewhere. I walked over to them and sat down.

'Hey, Greenie.' Gally greeted.

'Hey.' I started eating.

My thoughts slowly drifted off to Adam again.

What if he does it again? Or worse? I need to tell someone about this, they can help. Maybe Newt? No. Adam will find out and he said if I told anyone I would pay for it... but it can't go on like this. I'll just see what happens, maybe he leaves me alone?

'Nora!' I looked up and saw Gally and Mike both looking at me.


'Took you long enough, Newbie.' Gally said. 'What were you thinkin' about?'

I hesitated for a moment. Should I tell him?

'Nothing special.' I said as I started eating again.

In the corner of my eye I saw Gally frown, but I ignored it.

'I'm done.' I said after a while. 'Bye.' While walking to the med-hut I felt Adam's eyes following me.

I was hoping really bad that the other Med-jacks were in the med-hut already, but they weren't. I was all alone. Suddenly I heard a door open and I took a few steps back from it.

'Hey.' I saw Clint and Jeff appearing and I let out a relieved sigh.


'Can you guys help me?' I heard a voice say. I looked up and my stomach dropped. It was Adam. 'I cut my arm again.' He looked at me.

'Sure, sit down.' Clint motioned at the chair in front of me. 'Do you think you'll be able to handle it, Greenie?' He looked at me.

'I-' Adam gave me a glance before I could finish my sentence. 'Okay.'

Adam walked over to me and sat down. He showed me his arm and luckily there actually was a cut this time.

'Frypan told me dinner was ready.' Adam said as I cleaned the cut.

'Oh, okay. Do you think you'll be finish it off on your own? Me and Jeff can already get us a table?' Clint asked. I really didn't want them to leave, but I didn't have an excuse.

'Sure.' I finally said. My heart started to beat faster and I was afraid Adam would hear it.

'Okay, great. We'll see you in a few minutes then.' Jeff said. The two boys walked out of the hut and left me alone with Adam.

As normal as possible I continued treating Adam's arm, but my hand were shaky. I felt Adam's eyes burn on me again and I wanted to get out of the hut as fast as possible.

'Done.' I said a little relieved. 'Now get out of here.'

'Well well, not so quick.'

'Adam, leave.' I got up from my chair and wanted to walk away, but Adam grabbed wrist. 'Let go.' I said as I tried to pull away.

'No need to be so rushed, sweetheart.' He got up form his chair too.

'Don't call me that.' I said as I still tried to pull away. 'You're hurting me.' I quietly said when Adam held me even tighter.

Adam pushed me against the wall and moved one of his hands closer to my chest.

'Let- let go.' Tears started to form in my eyes.

Adam didn't listen and pressed his lips on mine roughly. I let out a muffled cry as I tried to push Adam away, who was still kissing me. My breathing got sucked up and I was hoping Adam would let go.

He finally let go and I could breath again. Before he could get closer to me again I spit in his face.

Adam started cursing and called me some awful things. 'You shouldn't have done that!' He moved closer to my face again and I felt his hand trail down to my shorts. The other one was really close to my chest.

When he started unzipping my shorts I grabbed a small knife from the table and cut his arm.

He immediately let go off me and held his arm. Before Adam could do anything else I ran out of the hut.

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