After The Battle

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Roleswap AU
-Ice Hashira Douma
-Destruction Hashira Akaza
-Sound Hashira Nakime

Finally the battle with the demon king,Kagaya Ubuyashiki,was over.Beheaded just as the sun was about to rise.

Much to the agony of many people,nearly all of the hashira had fallen at the hands of either the Upper Moons for the king himself.Only three hashiras are currently alive and hospitalised.One is in a worse condition than the other two.

Two out of the hashira were in a stable-ish condition,those being Nakime Otokawa and Douma.

Nakime was now completely blind,a bandage cover her now useless eyes.Mostly staying in her estate,being visited often and brought food that she still manages to cook.

Douma has injuries lungs and an almost useless left arm.Though taking care of himself isn't an issue even if it sometimes causes immense pain at times.

Now the third hashira is the destruction hashira,Akaza Soyama.Now you may be wondering what is he like now?

Well unlike his co-workers he was the most damaged without dying.Now he is missing the lower half of his left leg,nerves in his left hand makes it difficult to write or do any regarding that hand.Nothing can be done to help him be able to use that hand once more.


Leaning against the wooden crutch for support,Akaza huffed angrily as he watched Tanjiro Kamado run around with his friends.Wishing that he still had his left leg so he could do stuff normally but no,God seemed to find his misery as their entertainment.

Not to mention his left hand was practically useless since the nerves in there were mangled beyond repair.Even on his best days it hurt to clench his hand into a fist.

A hand was placed on his shoulder making him turn his body that person's direction.It was the former ice hashira Douma who just so happens to be his husband.They had gotten married not too long after he got released from the medical estate.
"Are you feeling okay?" The hand moved down to his lower back,another helping to stabilise his crutch which was painfully digging into his side.
"Mhm...Just wish my body wasn't as fucked up," Douma looked concerned,pulling the pinkette to lean causing his body as he hugged him tightly.Not bothered by the sound of the crutch falling to the floor.
"Don't say that 'Kaza,just because you're injured doesn't make you any less attractive." The blond smiled lovingly,picking up his boyfriend underneath his knee.Kissing him on the cheek before leaning down and grabbing the crutch.

"How about I show you how attractive you are later tonight my dear?"

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