38. The introduction

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"As ready as can be."

During the car ride to UA High, Endeavor and Hawks continuously asked me questions. Most of Endeavor's questions were about his kid, wanting to know wether or not he's allowed to scout his own son or not. And my answer to that was simple; if he wants to be scouted by you, then yet. If he doesn't want to be scouted by you, then no.
On the other hand, most of Hawks' questions were about my relationship with Shota. And I honestly don't know why. He asked me how long we've known each other and for how long we've been married already. My answers to those questions surprised him.

The questions that weren't about Endeavor's kid or Shota, were about the UA tournament and my plan. Because the hero world may know I'll be scouting, but the students don't. I've been planning a surprise entrance, something  special. Not to blow their minds away. Oh no, my special entrance isn't for the students alone. 

Ever since I've met Mic, he wanted to be the center of attention. Not in a pick-me kinda way, but in a funny yet very much energy draining way. He has always dreamed about being the grant openings act of any big event and let me just have a few contacts that made me able to arrange something. Obviously he doesn't know about my plan, because that would take away the surprise element of it all.


The moment we arrive at the UA gates, we can't see the fucking gate. The amount of news reporters, paparazi people and Pro Heroes getting interviewed is insane! I'm glad I didn't take the hero route and decided to work behind the screens instead.

Hawks opens the car door for me, spreading his wings to shield me from the nosy people at the gates. It's something he always does whenever he opens the car door for someone and once, I asked him about it. He told me that he doesn't want any weird or sexualised pictures of his co-workers or friends on the news or in magazines, so he uses his wings to shield them off intill they're ready to go. So, instead of random crotch or cleavage pictures of people, there are countless wing pictures all over the media.
Meanwhile Endeavor is grabbing my bag out of the trunk for me, which he always does. Again, just like with Hawks' habit, I asked Endeavor about it once. And he told me his wife drilled it into him to grab her bag out of the trunk while she was getting out of the car.

Once the two men agreed that I looked as stunning as I did at the HC office, making sure my make-up wasn't on places it shouldn't be and that my blouse and pants were straight, Endeavor handed me my bag and Hawks folded his wings onto his back. 
The moment, however, the nosy people at the gates notices us, hell broke lose. People came running towards us, camera lights flashing in our faces while questions ware being yelled at us. And I don't like it one bit.

"Mrs Aizawa, what's going to happen to the HC?!" One person yells.

"Is the HC collapsing?!" Another screams.

"Who's the new boss at the HC?!" A third yells, and those were just a few of the questions I could hear through all that yelling and screaming. It surprises me that all those questions are for me and not for the literal number one and two Pro Heroes next to me.
I didn't answer any question and instead decided to make my way towards the gates. Which seems impossible with the amount of people that are here, but there are enough Pro Heroes around here to help me out when I need it.

"Hello, mrs Y/n." Best Jeanist walks up to me, before checking out my outfit. I can't see his mouth, but I can see by the way his eyes sparkle that he's smiling. "You look stunning in that outfit. It really accentuates your figure beautifully. And don't get me started about your hair. I don't think I've ever seen it down before." He tells me, complimenting me about my looks. It makes me somewhat uncomfortable, but also realise that I'm not as a fashion disaster as I thought I was.

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