23. The weekend

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- Present Mic's point of view -

It's saturday morning right now. 

Yesterday, when I returned to UA after picking up some stuff for Shota and Y/n, I found him asleep next to Y/n in the hospital bed she's laying in. He even pulled some of the blanket over himself, but very carefully, since most of the blanket was covering Y/n. They look cute together, asleep, but the circumstances aren't that cute.

My back is slightly aching, because I slept on one of the teachers lounge couches. It wasn't the best night of sleep I've had in a while, but it feelt right to sleep here instead of at home. Shota is a grown adult, the most adult from all of us, but right now he's at his all time low. We, Midnight and I, have to take care of him for once. And that feels weird, but we know it has to be done.
Seeing Shota like this, crying, even more silent than normal, it breaks us both. That isn't the grumpy Shota we know. I don't think I saw him cry like that before, I've only see him cry happy tears back at their wedding.

"Morning." Midnight says, walking into the teacher's lounge. Her hair is all over the place, I bet she just woke up as well. 

"Morning." I greet her back.

"Do you know where Nezu hides the keys of UA? I'd like to take a shower, but the showerrooms are locked." She asks me and I nod. Nezu told me where the keys were, in case something  were to happen. I stand up.

"Yeah, they're in his office. I'll get them for you." I tell her, but she insisted on walking there with me. I didn't mind, having some company is something I like. Besides, Midnight is one of my best friends, she's always fun to be around. "Did you sleep okay?" I ask her. I haven't seen her this tired in a while.

"Not really..." She confesses. "I couldn't get the sight of Shota crying out of my mind. I haven't seen him cry since their wedding and those tears were happy ones." She explains and I nod. I had the same problem, breaking down and crying Shota haunted my mind last night as well.
Without knowing what else to say, Midnight and I walk in silence towards Nezu's office. We both know that we have to take care of Shota right now, but neither of us really are the best at adulting. Shota usually cares for us, making sure we eat and drink throughout the day. It'll be a challenge for everyone to take care of Shota while Y/n is still out.

- Shota Aizawa's point of view -

"Shota?" Hearing my own name makes me wake up a little. I still feel so tired, I don't want to wake up yet. "Shota." My name is being called again by this soft and gentle voice. My heart starts to beat faster, maybe Y/n has woken up and is calling for me!

I open my eyes, but get disappointed when I see that her eyes are still closed. Maybe my own mind is messing with me...

"Are you awake?" The soft and gentle voice asks again, confusing the living hell out of me. I lift my head up slightly and see Recovery Girl standing in the entrance of the medical center. "You are. Goodmorning." She says, a caring smile on her face. Seeing Recovery Girl makes me remember that I've climbed into Y/n's medical bed to sleep. I start to push myself up.

"I'm sorry." I apologize to her, before getting out of Y/n's bed. My back is still a littly achy, but not as bad as when I slept on the stone floor outside a few days ago. I fidget a little with the blanket, wanting it to cover Y/n well enough that she doesn't get cold. 

"Don't apologize for that. I already thought I'd find you in there." She tells me with a light chuckle and I look back at my lovely wife. Having slept next to her, having felt her next to me while I slept really helped calm my mind. The power this woman has over me, even though she is unconcious right now is insane. "Did you want something to eat?" Recovery Girl asks me.

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