5. The staff

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"Come on, let's get some coffee." It turns out that wasn't his smartest idea...

"What's wrong with Shota?!" A loud blond haired person screams upon seeing my husband and I entering the teacher's lounge. My husband thought it would be a good idea to introduce me to his co-workers and explain the situation, so none of them would look weirdly at my presence.
The person that almost makes me ears bleed is none other than the man who fucked up my shower drains; Present Mic. His real name is Hizashi Yamada, but we all just call him Mic for short.

As if there wasn't already enough attention towards me, now all eyes are on me. There are a few other teachers and staff members in the teacher's lounge and they are all looking at me right now. I've met some of them, but not nearly all of them.

"Mic, shut up. Nothing is wrong with me." My husband snaps at his friend, before making his way to the coffee machine. He places two cups in the machine and the machine starts to make some brewing noises. Even though most people won't question my husband when he says something like that, Mic isn't like most people. 

"I don't believe you!" Mic continues to scream and now the other people in this room are starting to get bothered by this. "Whenever she is here, at UA High, something's wrong wit you. So confess big boy, what's wrong?!" Mic says, his directional speaker glitching every once in a while, only making his voice more and more annoying. 
Trust me, I love Mic. Not as much as I love my husband, but I love Mic as a friend. He's fun to be around when I've had enough coffee to deal with his loudness, but he's a great person to be around. He's always there for you when you need him, no matter what he's doing.

But right now, with this entire situation being a mess and all the things serounding this complicating things, I can't be bothered by dealing with his loud ass. I reach down and grab my HC badge out of my pocket, before holding it up in the air for everyone to see. Might as well get this over with.

"The name is Y/n L/n, head of the Department of Hero Lisences at the HC. I'm here to preform the annual routine check-up. Any questions?" I ask, putting my badge away again. Everyone who's working for the HC, from HC employees to Pro Heroes and everyone in between that, has a badge. The badge shows that you have certain lisences and the right authority for the tasks you're preforming. Once you have such a badge, your Hero Lisence also being such a badge, you have to always carry it with you.

The room is silent for a moment, which is almost as good as the coffee my husband is about to hand me. Upon touching the warm cup filled with coffee, I hum.
But of course, silence doesn't last long. Not long enough at least in my opinion.

"When did the two of you get a divorce?" A female voice asks, making me roll with my eyes. I don't want to answer that stupid question, so instead of answering, I take a big sup of coffee, burning the inside of my mouth. My husband lets out a deep sigh.

"We aren't divorced, Midnight. Y/n is just here for work." My husband explains.

"Since when are you married to someone working for the HC? I thought you were gay with Mic." An older man says, almost making me choke on my coffee. I look at the man is disbelieve, begging to have heard that wrong. 

"Pardon me?" My husband asks the man. "Vlad, you can't be serious. Do I look gay at all to you?" He asks the older man. Now I realise who it is, it's Vlad King, the homeroom teacher of class B. My husband has told me a lot about this man, since this man bothers and competes with him none stop.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being gay!" Emi, also known as miss Joke and a friend of Mic, says. And she's right, there is nothing wrong with being gay. But it is kinda weird telling someone you thought they were gay with his best friend while his wife is standing right next to him.

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