22. The wait

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"B-but she's alive?"

- Shota Aizawa's point of view -

Recovery Girl held me silently while I cried my heart out. I've been fighting back all those tears and fears for years, but right now, it all comes out at once. Having seen Mic carrying my wife to safety only proves that our friendship is stronger than whatever force out there, besides from the love I have for Y/n.
At some point, Nezu showed up and sent the students home, wanting us to have the privacy we needed. It helped a little, not that I cared before that my students saw me cry. They would cry too if they were in my shoes and I know they'll understand. You can't always be strong.

"I think you're ready to see her now." Recovery Girl tells me, before letting go of me. I look at her, my eyes still holding some tears in them. I nod, before rising back onto my feed. "But I must warn you, she is injured. The glass of the shattered window cut her up quite a bit. She landed on her back and hit her head on the field, causing some bleeding, broken bones and a possible concusion." She tells me and I just nod, some tears rolling down my face. I can't believe that Y/n is that hurt. "There is a chance that, when she wakes up, has some memory loss..." She points out and I know what she's trying to tell me.

"She will remember me." I tell her confidently, because I just know she will. Recovery Girl nods, before turning around and walking towards the closed curtains. I follow her, trying to hold myself together. 

"Mic, Shota is here." Recovery Girl calls out to my best friend. I'm confused for a moment, but then the curtain is pulled aside a little. My best friend is standing there, he never left Y/n's side while I captured that mother fucker who did this to her. He looks at me and walks up to me. The moment he's close enough to me, he pulls me into a hug. I'm not a big hugger, unless it's Y/n that I'm hugging, but I don't push Mic away like I usually do. No, I hug him back tightly, feeling the tears building up again.

"Thank you..." I manage to whisper to Mic. His hold on me tightens, pulling me even closer to him. A tear leaves my eye, before a sob escapes from my throat. "Thank you for staying with her..." I whisper, my voice almost breaking mid way.

"Of course I did." Mic says back, his voice breaking as well. I don't think we've ever cried infront of one another like this, but once must be the first time. "I couldn't leave her on her own, Sho." Mic tells me, before pulling away from the hug. He looks at me, tears in his own eyes, and he nods. "She's asleep now, but I think Recovery Girl already told you everything you needed to know." He says, before pulling the curtain aside even more. 

My eyes land on the love of my life, laying in the hospital-style bed. Her eyes are closed and her glasses aren't on her nose anymore. There are cuts on her forhead, nose, cheecks and chin for as far as I can see. Some of them have bleed a little, concluding from the few dried up drops of blood. The rest of her body is coverd with the blanket UA offers the injured students.

I walk up to my unconcious wife and reach down to take a hold of her hand. One of her hands has an IV in it, so I take a gentle hold of the other hand. I don't lift her hand off of the bed, not wanting to hurt her in any way by accident. I just slide my hand underneath hers and allow her hand to rest ontop of mine. Behind me, Mic pushes a chair near me, and I take a seat without thinking about it. I move the chair closer towards the bed my wife is laying in, wanting to be as close to her as I can. Her hand feels a little cold, but nothing too unusual.

"C-can she hear me?" I ask Recovery Girl, who's standing at the end of Y/n's bed.

"She is unconcious, so I really don't know. You can always try and talk to her. In some cases, it has helped patients wake up faster." She tells me and that's enough for me to start talking to her.

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