26. The sit-up

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"Then how is she still alive?!"

- Y/n Aizawa's point of view -

It's the next day. Yeah, I think it's tuesday now. And it's early in the morning, because Shota's alarm woke up the both of us not even ten minutes ago. Usually, after I wake up, I would get the coffee going for our breakfast. But since I don't have the controll back over my body just yet, I can't do that. So, I just laid there while Shota was getting himself ready for work.

"I'm sorry my alarm woke you up." Shota apologized to me, before giving me a gentle peck on the lips. He takes a gentle hold of my hand. I've noticed that he's being very gentle with me, not that he's usually rough with me (unless I want him to), but this is next level gentleness. The way he's kissing and holding me makes me feel like I'm made of glass or something. "Now that you're concious again, I can ask you questions. Is it okay with you if I go and teach today?" He asks me, which explains why he's holding my hand.

Squeezing once in his hand, I answer yes to his question. It surprises me a little that when I squeezed his hand, it felt less difficult than yesterday. Which must be a good thing! 
I don't really mind wether or not Shota'll be here with me or teaching his students today. The most important stuff has been explained to me, clearing up that confusion, which is great. I'm still confused about most things serrounding what happend to me, but the way I got injured is clear to me now.  Besides, it's not that Shota'll be far away from me today. I mean, I'm in the UA medical center.

"Yeah, you sure you're okay with that?" He asks me, wanting to be sure. I want to tell him that I'll be fine, for as far I can be fine, and that Recovery Girl'll take care of me, but I can't speak just yet. My throat feels stiff and made out of sandpaper. So instead, I squeeze his hand once again. "I'll be right here again if you need me, okay? Even though I'm teaching, I'll be here in a minute if you were to need me for whatever reason." He promises me, before giving me another kiss.

"Goodmorning." A female voice says, making Shota straighten his back again. His face is slightly red, which only happens when people catch him doing something out of his usual character. He gets so embarrassed when Mic sees him kissing me, Mic'll tease him about it for weeks.

"Goodmorning, Recovery Girl." Shota greets the woman, making me aware of who it is. My lovely elderly nurse. It feels weird being the one who is getting help from everyone, instead of helping everyone like I usually do. "I'll be off teaching again. If there is anything, let me know, okay?" Shota asks the woman and I think she nods, because I don't hear an answer. My husband looks at me again and smiles. "I'll get going now. See you later." He says, before planting yet another gentle kiss on my skin. 

After Shota left, Recovery Girl went straight  to work. She preformed a few tests she did yesterday on me again, mainly trying to see if there was any progress. The light and sound tests were the most annoying, again because they hurt my eyes and head. This made Recovery Girl change the 'possible concusion' to just 'concusion' on the medical chard that's on the end of my bed. I haven't read the chard yet, but it has been read out loud for me to hear.
Recovery Girl also did a new tests on me, which was basically me squeezing her hand as hard as I could. And to everyone's surprise, I could squeeze her hand quite well for the state I'm in.

"I think it's time for me to put my quirk to some good use." Recovery Girl says, chuckling a little. I chuckle along with her, only I don't think she can see that. Still, my body feels like cement, not quite able to move a lot besides from my hand. "If that's okay with you of course." She adds, before taking a hold of my hand. "One squeeze for yes, two for no." She tells me and as I did with answering Shota's question, I squeeze her hand once. 

Yes, of course she can heal me!
Get me out of this bed as soon as humanly possible!

"Good. You know how my quirk works, so no need on my side to explain it. I'll just give you a few kisses on your forhead and cheeks. You'll probably fall back asleep, but that's normal. Your body needs the time to heal itself." She explains to me. When I worked with Recovery Girl to decide wether or not she should retire or not, she explained to me in great detail how her quirk works. I think it's a wonderful quirk. "Alright, here we go." She says, before the first kiss is planted on my forhead. It feels a little weird, but within seconds, my body starts to feel tingly in a way I can't explain. 

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