12. The middle of the night

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"Please forgive me, Kitten." 

It's the middle of the night right now and I can't sleep. My mind is all over the place and it's scaring away the sleepy feelings I should be having. But I can't help it, the things that have been or are currently happening around me are just taking up too much space.

Shota took me out for dinner this evening, which was the cutest thing ever. Instead of driving home, he drove to this restaurant we used to go to when we were younger. The restaurant isn't as big as the others around town, but it's cozy and brings back lovely memories from back in the days. We used to go here all the time, some times just the two of us, other times Midnight, Emi and Mic would join us. It was our spot back in the day.
But after our careers took off, we really didn't have time for going out on a regular basis. 

Rolling over and laying on my back, I stare at the cealing. For some reason, I can't find a comfortable enough way to lay down, which results in me changing position every few minutes. But right now, laying on my back feels okay-ish.
The weight on the bed shifts a little, making me roll my head to the side. My husband has rolled over onto his side, now facing me, while he's still asleep. He looks so adorable while sleeping and I can't help leaning forwards a bit and planting a very gentle kiss on his forhead.

"You should be asleep, Kitten." My husband says, his voice sounding rough and deep, and it startles me. I really thought he was still asleep. He opens his eyes slowly and looks at me. "Why are you awake? It's the middle of the night. It's way past your bedtime" He points out with a chuckle and I chuckle along with him.

"I just can't sleep, don't worry about it." I say, now also rolling onto my side, facing my husband. Without thinking about it, I plant another kiss on him, this time on his lips. He smiles tiredly at me, making me chuckle softly.

"I can help you fall asleep..." He says, before a smirk appears on his lips. Lifting himself up a bit, Shota crawls on top of me while pushing me to lay on my back again. I don't put on a fight, because it's my husband and this man is the love of my life. He lowers himself a bit, laying on top of me without putting his entire body weight on me, and starts to place feather light kisses on my jaw, neck and colarbone. "That's if you allow me to continue, of course." He whispers in my ear and I can't help but let out a soft moan.

My husband shifts his weight a little, before I feel one of his hands roam around my body. All  I do is lean my head to the opposite side of where my husband is kissing my neck, allowing him to kiss more of my skin. 
The roaming hand finds it's way underneath my pj shirt, which is just one of Shota's t-shirts, and starts to caresses my boobs. He massages the boob he can reach the easiest in the position he's currently in, from time to time he squezes as well.

I moan softly, not because our deaf neighbors can hear all of a sudden, but because I can't help myself. It feels like heaven, having my husband touch me wherever he wants. And to make it even more heavenly, upon hearing me moan softly, Shota started to grind his hardend clothed cock against my clothed core, wanting some friction against his aching part.

"Please tell me you want me to help you fall asleep~" Shota almost moans out as he yet again grinds himself against me. I let out a pleasured sigh, not wanting him to stop.

"Help me fall asleep, Shota~"  I whisper to him, my hand reaching down. Shota lets out a slightly louder moan when my hand cups his clothed cock. In reaction to me touching him, he bucks his hips into my hand. His sighs and soft moans and groans of pleasure against my neck causes me to shiver and grow even more aroused.

While my hand finds it's way inside of Shota's tenting boxers, his hand is pulling the t-shirt I'm wearing up, wanting it to be taken off. I get the hint and allow him to take it off of me. He throws the shirt somewhere on the floor, but his eyes don't follow the shirt. No, his eyes are glued onto my chest. Ever since we started dating, Shota has been in love with every single fucking inch of my body and loves to just look at it. He quickly takes off his own shirt, before he leans down and starts to kiss my chest, down my colarbone towards my nipples. It feels so good.

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