29. The evidence

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There was a code on the paper, so naturally, I gave it a try.

I entered the code, feeling a little sceptical about it, and pressed enter. The screen loaded for a moment, before welcoming me. It said: 'Mrs L/n, welcome back.' I got in! And with that, I opend my inbox.  When I tell you I had more mails that my inbox could handle, I mean it. Every time I deleted a mail that I'd answered, a new one would pop up, putting the amount of mails in my inbox on max. It took me over a few hours to read and answer them all, but yeah, it gave me something to do.

- ???'s point of view -

Maybe she is dead, like dead dead. She has to be dead dead, because why wouldn't anyone give a goddamn statement already?! She has to be dead, otherwise someone would've already said something. It's almost been two weeks and not even the biggest Pro Heroes are putting out statements, which is very weird. Endeavor and Hawks take every chance they get to be put in the spotlight, even if it's just to give a stupid statement about something they don't care about.
Conclusion; Y/n Aizawa L/n is dead.

Everything always just works out for me and this proves it yet again. Y/n is dead, that idiot is out of custody and no one expects us to have done it. It couldn't have played out better for me, really. Yes, I'll miss her dearly. But if  I can't have her, no one can. Especially that Eraserhead, he didn't deserve her at all. I would be a way better lover to her than he could ever be.

- Y/n Aizawa's point of view -

"Hey, Mic." I greet my best friend when he enters the teachers lounge. He smiles at me, before taking a seat infront of me. "Quick question, can I use the UA printer? I have a few papers I'd like to have printed." I ask him, even though it's only half of the truth.

While looking through my many, a little too many, documents, I found a document I didn't remember. Neither the name or the date sparked something in my brain, so I opend it. And that might've been the best thing so far that I've done after my accident. It's not much, it's just a contract, but it's signed and all.
Besides that, I found some mails that were questionable to me.

"Yeah sure. Just send them to the teachers printer and I'll grab it for you." Mic says, standing up from his chair again. I smile thankfully at him, before sending the documents I want printed to the printer. "Do you want something to drink as well?" He asks me while walking towards the printer.

"Yeah, sure. Anything's fine." I tell him, before I hear the printer making those printer noises. Before I log off from my work account, I make sure to delete those documents out of my downloads. My boss can see whatever I do on this account, up to a certain extent at least, and I don't want him to get suspicious. If this really is what I think this is, those prints will turn the entire Hero Community upside down.

Mic hands me the papers and a cup of hot, black coffee. He takes, yet again, a seat infront of me. I smile a thank you at him, before turning off my laptop and putting it away. Only my bag is on the floor and I can't bend my back. Great thinking, Y/n... But Mic sees me struggling and leans over, grabbing my bag and handing it to me.

"Thank you." I say, putting my laptop in it's travle sleeve, before putting it in my bag. "So, how are you doing? Any crazy stories?" I ask him, knowing Mic loves to talk about the students. Not that I'm really interested, but I need him to be distracted from my prints. I don't want him to know just yet what I'm planning.

"Nothing too crazy yet." Mic says, sipping on his macchiato. Or at least he wants everyone to think it's a macchiato, but everyone knows it's a hot choco with suger. Even thinking about it, I can feel my teeth rot from the sugar, but Mic loves it. Maybe that's why he's so loud, all that sugar makes him hyper as fuck. "Had some students that made me feel old as hell, though. They told me that Abba is out of style and I nearly fainted. Abba is the shit and it'll always be the shit." Mic says. Everyone who knows Mic will know that he loves Abba. His entire playlist is filled with Abba and other bands like that.

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