10. The boss

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"I'll see you all later."

"Please, take a seat." Nezu says while taking a seat behind his desk. I take a seat on the chair I sat on yesterday when we talked. He looks at me seriously and I can't read anything else from his face or body language. "I asume you're just like Aizawa, so I'll just tell you instead of talking around it. Your boss called me, rather upset with you." Nezu tells me and I let out a sigh.

"Of course, he did." I say, rolling with my eyes. "Let me guess, he wanted you to talk to me about preforming the pre hero screening this year. Hoping you can convince me." Nezu just nods.

"He did." He states. Annoyence is boiling inside of me right now. My boss is an adult baby or something. Whenever someone says no to him, he goes to cry with others and ask them to make what he wants happen. But it's not happening. "And he told me you refused."

"Yes, I refused. I don't care wether or not he believes my marriage can take it. I'm not doing it, end of discusion." I say, feeling myself grow angrier and angrier. That sneeky son of a bitch! "I apologize on his behalf for putting you in this situation. You shouldn't be involved in this, unless I take on that project as well." I explain and Nezu just nods. He's silent for a moment.

"Are you going to preform the pre hero screening this year?" Nezu asks me carefully. My boss probably told me the way our phone conversation went and warned Nezu for my reaction. I look away from him.

"I have no idea yet." I confess to him, since there is no need to lie to him. He's too smart for lies. "My boss wants me to do it, but he forgets to concider the effects it can have on my marriage. Of course, Shota and I have been married for 8 years, nothing can come between us that easily, but I still don't want to put that strain on us." I explain.

"I understand. You two have always seperated your work from one another, just so that you wouldn't have to be in a situation like this. That's tough." Nezu says. Finally, someone who understands this a bit. "And  knowing your boss, he isn't the best when it comes to feelings of others." It's true, my moss doesn't care about the feelings of others.
Once, he made an intern come to work after one of their family members died the day before. The front desk employee sent the poor intern home to grieve and she took her sweet time to tell the boss off.

But even though there is a silence between Nezu and I, I can see that he isn't done talking just yet. He wants to ask me something, I can see it.

"But you want me to preform the pre hero screening this year as well, don't you?" I look at Nezu, but now he's the one looking away. The answer is yes, it's clear as day. I roll with my eyes and let out a sigh. Everything about this situation rubs me the wrong way and I'm done with it. Pushing my chair back, I stand up. Nezu looks at me, but doesn't say a thing.
He doesn't stop me when I walk out of the room.


After the conversation between Nezu and I, I decided to take matters in my own hand. I have to clear my mind, otherwise I don't think I'll be able to take anything mildly disappointing without exploding. I found my work bag, which I'd left in the teacher lounge earlier, and get to work.

Walking around the school's property, notebook and pen in my hand, I look everywhere. I make sure to have seen every single squar inch of this place, making notes wherever I feel fit. The workaholic in me really calms down when I do my work. (The work I usually do, not the extra work my boss gives me) Preforming check-up is quite fun, because you never know what you'll find during your rounds through the agencies. Once, I found a nap room! Yes, a nap room. This agency allowed their employees to take a nap during work hours whenever they felt like it! I gave that agency extra credit.

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