3. The coffee

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"Of course! This way."

I close my eyes and hum in delight. Nezu chuckle softly. I really needed this, the coffee I mean. After Nezu showed me where the coffee machine was, I grabbed myself a cup of strong black coffee and followed Nezu to his office. He wanted to talk a little more about this year's anual routine check-up, which I can understand.

"So, now what?" Nezu asks me, making me frown at him. I'm enjoying this coffee a little too much to know what he's asking of me and he notices it. "How is this year's check-up going to play out? I don't think you want to be here, knowing your relationship with Aizawa and all. Didn't you guys agree that your jobs wouldn't interfere?" Nezu asks me and I just nod, before taking a big gulp of coffee.

"You're right." I tell him, before placing my coffee on the desk. He's seated in his deskchair and I'm seated infront of him, his desk between us, on one of the guest chairs. "But after a discussion with my boss about it, I didn't have a choise. So here we are." I tell him, not really wanting to get into the little nasty details of the discussion. Nezu nods. "How this year's annual routine check-up will play out won't be any different than previous year. I'll be walking around and taking notes, mostly observing this place. My boss did credit that I have a more thorough way of preforming these check-ups, so that may be a difference from previous years." I explain. The fact that I'm the wife of one of the teacher's here doesn't change a single thing, especially not when I'm doing my job.

"Just out of curiocity. How do you think Aizawa will react on you being here?" Nezu asks me, leaning back in his desk chair. It's a question I thought of myself while driving here, but the answer is quite simple.

"My husband won't react any differently. It's his co-workers I'm worried about." I tell Nezu, making him laugh. 

"I don't think you need to worry about them." Nezu states, confusing me. He leans back into his chair and smiles to himself. "Trust me when I say that Aizawa made pretty clear that he wants no one to talk about you in any way, shape or form when there are students near." He explains, making me chuckle. It sounds like something my husband would do.

When my husband and I got married, we vowed to keep our marriage mostly a secret. Of course, our family, closest friends and bosses know about our marriage, but no one else really knows. 
My husband doesn't even wear wedding ring on his finger, simply because he doesn't want his students to find out. He does wear a necklace with the ring on it, which he hides with his insane scarf. And when I tell you that stupid scarf gets tangled during laundry, I mean it. Once, I've spent two days trying to untangle the damn thing! And of course, the moment my husband touched it, it detangled itself.

"But I do think that Aizawa will be the weak link during this check-up, honestly." Nezu says, making me look at him with a frown. "You're his weakspot, Y/n. Aizawa loves you too much for his own good. Whenever someone mentions you, he'll smile or blush. Students are definitely going to notice that." He points out and I nod. I know my husband has had several complaints for being a grumpy teacher that can't handle some mischievious behavior during class. But I can't quite imagine my husband acting any differently when I'm around.

"I find that hard to believe. But then again, you know him better when it comes to work than I. We don't talk about work much when we're together. I trust your judgement, I just don't have a solution for it." I tell Nezu truthfully and he nods.

"I understand." He says. "Aizawa is quite a strict teacher. He doesn't like his students to waste his time or to play around. He even lost his expelling privilages, because he expelled too many students all the time." Nezu tells me while laughing a little. I smile, but my smile quickly fades away a few moments later. Nezu notices.

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