17. The back massage

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"Fuck, my back."
My lovely husband complaints the moment we enter our appartment. It wasn't a smart move on his side to fall asleep on me while everything of him, besides from his head, was laying on stone. Poor thing was that tired, he just fell asleep.

"Let me massage your back for you." I say, making him look at me with a suspicious frown. "It's the least I can do after laughing at you for almost 10 minutes." I point out, making him roll with his eyes.

"It wasn't funny. I got humiliated infront of my own students." He says, making me walk up to him and gently wrap my arms around my neck. I want him to look at me, which he knows, but he doesn't look at me. Instead, he looks away, almost as if I'm not there.

"Come on, it was funny. You got hard because I tied you up." I say, tracing random shapes on his clothed chest. He huffs, something our cat has copies over the years. Whenever you do something the cat doesn't want, he huffs at you. He doesn't hiss, he huffs, and it's stupid as well as funny. "Don't go ignoring me now." I say, gently grabbing his jaw to try and move his face towards mine. But he tenses up his neck, not allowing me to do so.

Wait... I-Is he really mad at me?

I get go of his neck and jaw and take a step back. He still doesn't look at me, which only confirms what I'm thinking. Shota really is mad at me...

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought it was funny that you got a boner from me tying you up in your own scarf..." I explain, still looking at him. And he's still not looking at me. This has never happend in our many years together, so I'm clueless now. "Didn't mean to humiliate you..." I state, before turning around and walking out of our livingroom.
If he doesn't want to talk or look at me, that's fine. It tells me that he needs some space and I can give him that. Walking out of the room, I don't dare look at him to see if he's looking at me, even though I want to. But knowing the answer might disappoint me isn't worth the pain that'll follow upon getting the answer. I simply walk straight to our shared bedroom. 

I just sit on our bed for a couple of minutes, answering some urgent emails and looking over some documents, before Shota enters our shared bedroom as well. Not wanting to anger him even more, I don't look up from my phone. 
The bed dips, Shota's on the bed as well now. Still, he doesn't say a thing. The only thing I hear from his side are groans and painful sighs as he tries to lay on the bed. His back is really killing him.

"I would like the back massage, if that offer is still open." Shota asks, making me look up from my phone. I look at him, he's looking at me, and all I can see is his neutral facial expression. The only one I can't read well enough to know what he's feeling or thinking.

"I don't massage people who are angry at me." I state, before turning my attention back to my work. Because even though I'm currently preforming the annual routine check-up at UA High, my usual work also continues to pile up. It'll be a lot of extra hours to get all those papers viewed and worked out before their deadlines.
The bed dips again, this time closer towards me. Then, I feel Shota's hand on my knee, trying to get my attention. I let out a soft sigh, before looking back at him.

"I'm not angry with you." He says and for once, I don't believe him.

"You ignored me." I point out. The way his eyes shift expression really show that he regrets it, he has never ignored me like that before and it hurts.

"I shouldn't have ignored you, Y/n." He says, squeezing my knee a little tighter. I can hear that he means it. "I just didn't like the way Mic and you were laughing at me. I felt embarrassed." He explains his point of the story, which is what you do when you're in a disagrement. You tell your part and then hear what the other has to say. It's also the key to a long lasting marriage.

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