19. The last goodmorning

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"Goodmorning, Shota." I whisper.

I kiss my husband on his neck, still snuggled up against his chest. We haven't moved a lot in our sleep, we're still laying in the same position as when we fell asleep. Shota groans a little, but doesn't act like he wants to wake up just yet.

"Shota~" I whisper his name again, against his neck, causing him to hold onto me a little tighter. It makes my heart flutter, but we have to get up. It's time to get ready. I push myself up a little and start to pepper kisses all over Shota's face. Slowly, he lifts his hands up to protect his face from my kiss attack, but I just start kissing his hands as well.

"Fine... I'm awake." Shota groans and I stop my attack. He lowers his hands and looks at me with his usual tired morning eyes. I smile at him, his lip curls up slightly in responce. "Today is friday, right?" Shota asks me, his voice deep and raspy since he just woke up.

"Yes."  I nod. "My last day of the annual routine check-up at UA." I add, causing him to frown a little. My husband is just the cutest when he just wakes up.

"It's already been a week?" He asks me and I nod again. "You are sure you don't want to come back on Monday?" Shota asks me, still snuggling into me a bit. He doesn't want to let me go just yet. I look at my husband and he's slightly blushing. "I really liked your presence at UA." He admits.

"And I liked being there and seeing you all the time." I tell him, planting another few kisses on him. "But I have to get back to the office on Monday. I've already receaved calls about new projects that need my attention. Besides, I'm only distracting your students." I tell him.

"No, you don't." Shota disagrees with me, but since he's still sleepy and his hair is everywhere, he looks cute. "My students love you. They ask about you all the time." Shota says, which I didn't know.

"I'll spend some time with them today, okay? Maybe answer some of Midoriya's questions about my quirk?" I ask my husband, trying to figure out what would be best for his students.

"They'll love that." He says, before giving me a kiss. After he lets out a sigh, he looks at me with his tired eyes once again. "I think I'm ready to get up now. Those kids can't and won't teach themselves how to be a hero." He says, making the both of us chuckle.

And that's what we did, we got ready. As always, I took a little longer to get ready than Shota, but Shota doesn't mind that. This man loves to just sit on our bed and watch me getting ready. Shota takes 15 minutes to get ready, max. He always wears the same thing, so picking out an outfit isn't an issue. He usually, but not always, brushes his long hair. 
I, on the other hand, have an entire skin care routine I do. And don't get me started on picking out an outfit. I have to think about the things I'll have to do that day, to decide which shoes I'll wear. And based on my shoe choise, I plan the rest of the outfit. Will it be hot today? Will it rain? I need to think about all of that, because I never know where my job will take me that day.

After Shota and I got ready, we enjoyed breakfast together. 
Breakfast being a black cup of coffee.


Once we arrived at UA High, the same problem as on wednesday occured... Paparazi people are outside of UA High with cameras and microphones. Shota looks at me, from the driver's seat of my car, parked in his assigned spot. He wants to know what we're going to do now, since those nosy people are everywhere right now.

"I'm not having you jump across the parkinglot with me in your arms again. You can forget about that." I state with a slight chuckle, causing Shota to playfully roll with his eyes at me. "You can jump onto the rooftop all you want, but not with me in your arms. I'll be walking through the main entrance." I say.

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