6. The fight

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"Finally! There you are!"

Mic's voice echoes into my ears, causing me to roll with my eyes. Why couldn't he just stay away for a while? Just intill I've gainted enough energy to deal with his loud and annoying blond ass. The students and Yagi turn around, confused at the sudden loudness, and watch this all happen infront go them.

"Since when is mr Aizawa-sensei here?" The green haired boy asks, not really seaking anyone for an answer. He just asks it out loud, because he's confused. I know he's confused, because he looks like he's confused.

"Why the hell did you walk away?!" Mic asks me, now standing infront of me, not caring if someone could hear us. Which yes, everyone can hear him yelling at me. And I just have enough of his annoying blond ass. If he really thinks he can talk to me like that while I'm at work, he thought wrong. I stand up and look Mic dead into his green eyes. 

"I suggest you silence your big mouth right now, mr Yamada." I say in a threatening calm way. He is surprised that I called him by his last name and not by his nickname, only making more and more clear to him that I'm pissed. "You do not talk to me like that. And if you do talk to me like that again, it will be permanently noted on your Hero record. This is your final warning." While I say this, I stare him dead in the eyes. I can see him taking a step backwards, away from me, before nodding. He stays silent.

"Damn, that's hot." One of the students point out, before getting whacked across the back of the head by another student.

The amount of annoyence and anger inside of me is insane. And it's not only because Mic has been annoying as hell, but it's because the entire fucking situation! The way my boss managed to convince me to do this, the way he made the legal document useless, the way my male co-workers don't take me serious! It's just everything and all in between that's getting to me at once and I hate it!

I close my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath.
In through the nose, out through the mouth.

"I apologize." I say, before looking at Mic again. "That was uncalled for and very unprofessional." I add, before looking away. Mic is such a great friend and doesn't deserve me talking to him like that either. He has always been there for Shota and I whenever we need him. I should be grateful for a friend like that.

"It's okay, HC listener." Mic says, not loud enough for the students to hear us, making me look up at him. He's smiling at me, even though I just threatend to make a permanent note in his Hero record. "I could've thought this through a little better and see the fucked up situation this is." He says, which makes me turn around.

"I said I didn't help them searching for you. I didn't say I didn't tell them why you walked away." My husband points out and I can't  help but sigh. I close my eyes again and start to rub the bridge of my nose again, lifting my grasses while I'm doing so. The entirety of the situation is giving me a headache, or it's the amount of coffee, I don't really know for sure.

"It's pretty fucked up, I must say." Mic adds, making me chuckle.

"Pretty fucked up?" I asks him, looking at him again. "I don't think I've been in a messier and complicated situation before in my life." I confess to him, to which he chuckles.

"You did get stuck once when Sho tie-"Mic wants to say, again softly enough for the students not to hear us, but I quickly silence him with my quirk. It's the one advantage my quirk has on Shota's. Shota can erase quirks, only when they're not connected to any body part, like Mic's directional speaker. But I can silence everything and everyone, meaning I can silence Mic.

"Shut your loud mouth, blondie." I say a bit too loud, before deactivating my quirk.

"Y'all good over there?!" We hear Yagi yell out to us all; Shota, Mic and I. We all look at Yagi and notice that the students are watching us carefully. It makes me uncomfortable to say the least, but Shota and Mic do this on the daily, so it can't be that hard... Can it?

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