27. The escape

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The room goes silent, everyone looking at me.

"May I remind the two of you of the fact that lovely mrs Y/n has a concusion?" Recovery Girl asks and it hits the two men like a bus. They both look at me, guilt in their eyes, unable to say something. "Now that the two of you feel the guilt you're suppost to feel, I'm asking you both nicely to leave." She says.

"What?" Nezu asks her.

"I'm not leaving." Shota says immediately.

"Oh, but you are."  Recovery Girl says, standing up from her chair. She looks at me, seeing the pain all this noise is causing me, before looking back at the two men. "I want you two out, right now. Fight as long as you want, but not in my medical center." She scolds, grabbing them both by their eyes. Don't even ask me how she was able to grab Shota by his ear while he's twice, maybe even more, times the size of her. "Have fun fighting in the hallway." She snaps, before pushing Shota and Nezu out of the door and closing the door. I've never heard a door close that silently before.

Recovery Girl takes a deep breath, in through the nose, and out through the mouth.

"How do you deal with him?" She asks me, meaning my husband when she said 'him'. Turning around, she looks at me and smiles. "I know he loves you, it's clear as day to anyone who looks at him  while you're near. But I can't imagine all the things you have to deal with while being married to him." She says and I don't know wether or not she is being rude or just playfully joking in a way.

Yes, it's a lot being married to Shota. But I love it, all of it. I love waking up next to him. I love making him his morning cup of coffee. I love it when he goes to work with that tired smile on his face. I love it when he texts me every once in a while, even if I'm at work. I love the way he loves me, the way he kisses me and makes me feel loved.

"The love between you two is rare these days." Recovery Girl says and I nod, which was a mistake. Not only  does it hurt my head when I nod, but it also hurt my back and I barely manage to get my head back up. "You okay? That looked painfull." She asks me and not wanting to make the same mistake again, I give her a careful thumbs up. She chuckles at my action. "There are a few more tests I'd like to preform on you, now that I've used my quirk on you once. I want to make sure you're healing nicely or if I need to use my quirk on you again. Is that okay with you?" Again, I answer with a thumbs up.

The tests this time were a bit more challenging for the both of us. Recovery Girl had to walk around my bed a lot, needing to check both sides of my body with each tests she did. She wanted to be sure that I didn't have any brain damage that would lead to me not being able to use both sides of my body the same. Luckly, I can use both sides equally. She also wanted to know wether or not my eyes were still okay, but that test got ended quickly. I wear glasses, which are distroyed by the way, so I can't see well enough to have her preform her test the way it should be preformed.

But then the more challenging tests began. Recovery Girl had me try and move my body. First, only my eyes and hands, muscles I could already move again. But soon after, she wanted me to try and move my entire arm. It took a lot of strength, and with a little help of recovery Girl moving my arm before allowing me to do it on my own, I managed to move my arm again. Almost as if the muscles had forgotten how to move, intill someone unlocked them. We did this with my entire body or at least for my limps. Moving my back as a little too risky according to Recovery Girl. She helped me 'unlock' my legs again and after that, I could somewhat move them on my own. My legs still feel heavy, but not too heavy to be unable to move them. It's really strange.


It's 12:15 p.m, which I only know because I'm watching the time on my phone. Recovery Girl just left the medical center to go to the restroom, so I have limit time here. And my plan is simple, really. All I want to do is stand.

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