Black sheep in a wolf's clothing

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"Nina!" Taiga opened her arms and Nina came hugging her. This was the fourth time they meet. Taiga had visited her previously ensuring she was in good hands after meeting with Makoto. She was explained that Nina would be handed down to the priest as a daughter. Kohaku and Ruri were very open and elated to receive her but Nina had begged Taiga to be her tutor.

"Why can't you? I know you more than I know them. They never cared for us!"

Taiga shook her head. but she explained that a family like the precious chief would be more ideal for her and that she herself was a child who wouldn't be able to provide for her. Taiga despite her words alway as came and brought her goods. Taiga reassured her that she would always be by her side, as a tutor if needed and if she felt unable to fit in she would take responsibility. Nina had gotten fearful and felt desperately outcasted, she was now daughter of the ex-chief and he was very kind. Nina adjusted pretty quick but she was conscious she had no family at all. An idea too big and harsh for a 9- year old. The only person she knew was Taiga now.

"You came!"

"Yup I did! Look I brought you some fish!"

"Fish! You brought me fish!"

"Want to cook it with me? We can make a fish soup if you would desire my lady" taiga smiled and Nani savored her meal.

Once Taiga prepared the soup, she served her the meal to the Villagers in the lobby. They all knew her now, they were her patients now. Not as a doctor but their care taker. The three orphan kids loved her, some were suspicious but soon they gathered in temptation of the food she brought and the way she cared for the smallest ones.

While they were eating, Nina was peculiar. The fish reminded her of Granny, and she took bites into it she held back the tears at the bitter taste her paletee transformed into. Her favorite food was now tainted.


She flinched and she realized her stare into the fish. She tilted the stick with her small hands. "That man who was he?" She murmured.

Taiga quickly looked at her and she gulped. "We shouldn't be thinking of that during these times. We are eating sweetheart. We can talk about it after it."

"I need to know"

"I am afraid I do not know." She wasn't lying but she wasn't going to fill the little girls mind with the information she did know. "But you must move on head straight up. The older ones will take care of the bad guys, don't worry. I promise we...that we will try our best to protect your village and you." Taiga patted her hair and Nani sighed.

"Who was he?" She repeated and she broke into a sob as she curled into herself. Other kids looked at her strangely and some lowered their sorrowful eyes down.  She held her hands into her eyes

"Can I tell you something?"


"The man of red eyes come to my dreams. He is always there with a bones of an animal. His teeth are scary" Nina frowned and she murdmired the last part. "And I pee..."

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