War Zone

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She was shaking slightly perhaps at the amount of time she had been watching over the hurt. She smeared the remains of smoke across her cheek. Her hands bloody avoiding contact with them.

"You're pale take a rest." Senku remarked as he guided her out the area of the injured. "You've done great. Most of them are alive because of your care"

"Many didn't survive. But thank you." She faintly smiled worshiping the good of his words in all the chaos.

She was hiding pain. He observed her eyes look beyond what laid ahead of her. The whole night, she had been on top of everything, following his directions to the finest detail in order to save the injured. Tears had strained her cheeks leaving a trail of smudged smoke, but she held her warm expression for disguise as she sweetened the ear of those crying and dying in the palm of her hands.

Just last morning they had spoken about their goals and how being together was sufficient. Her sweet voice recalling how she desire to be by his side to help him in what he envisioned. Yet she had stopped and her curious eyes looked to the side that morning.

"Hey Senku" she mildly said. Her bright smile contrasting the destroyed brunt village and the occasional cries of pain in the back. "Thank you...".

"For?" His red stoic eyes looked at her admiring the way she could smile at adversity.

She shyly smiled and she tilted her head to the side and back. "For accepting to give me your sperm if I ever decide to have a baby"

Senku felt cold shivers run down his spine. 'Yeah'. He had agreed to donate his sperm to her the morning before they left to shower.

When she had mentioned it, he had been startled as he thought of it as a joke from her part until she clarified it wasn't. His mouth blurting a clear and loud no once he registered her serious look. She explained to him that she didn't want it then, not at all, but she wanted to know if she would ever have the possibility to have a family. Curious.

Her words wove in conditions to stabilize a conclusion and Senku negated with drawbacks. Unable to donate his sperm because he simply wouldn't. She moved her hands around, her spirit going down as they both shared their views on such case. He had leaned on the table, calmly listening to her describe that it was a likely prospect she wanted in a far future despite wanting to be by his side. It meant a lot to know if she could ever have a family of her own.

She clarified that he didn't need to attach to the baby, that she would be in charge of that. Senku chided her telling her that it was illogical, that at some point he would have to get involved for she planned to stay by his side. Taiga reminded him that maybe he could even enjoy his company teaching him, but that didn't sound very appealing to him anymore. He frowned and Taiga begged not finished with her arguments.

Taiga highlighted that genetics were important when Senku told her to find a different donator that he would gladly help her inseminate artificially, but not with his. She shook her little finger and Senku brows furrowed as he heard her say that nature and nurture both had equal importance in the upbringing of children.

Her words describing that if she ever had a baby, she would love for her child to have his attributes. That every time he saw him working she thought he was a brilliant man, so honorable, and...so handsome. She had smiled and tilted her head as she described him. Love breaching out of her.

Honorable? He had asked rising a brow. She nodded suggesting the obvious as she added how he had principles and ideals too. A passion. Which she admired dearly. She got close to him and her gentle eyes were genuine as she disclosed. "I believe in what you want to do".

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