Chapter 50 - Jacob Black (1)

Start from the beginning

Training would have to wait. The most important task now was to guide Embry.

I was just starting my homework when I heard someone walk up the steps in front of Emily's house. As I was not used to his presence yet, I had to look at the entrance to recognize Ricky.

If this stupid sensation of having butterflies flying in my stomach didn't stop right now, I would have to punch myself. My body was ridiculously reacting to his presence and I didn't like that.

"Ricky ! How was school ?" Emily greeted him.

After hearing our warnings, Sam allowed Ricky to go back to school, although he only turned on Saturday. Contrarily to the rest of us, he was very calm and controlled which convinced Sam to send him to school. Considering the fact that he was only coming back now, it looked like he managed to not let any emotion trigger his shift.

He was better than the rest of us, on that.

"It was as usual. No one got killed. Where are the others ?" he asked, as he looked around with a frown on his forehead before he looked down at me, who was sitting around the living room's table.

"There's a newbie." I answered, which made Ricky's eyes become bigger. "The boys have been with him since early this afternoon."

"Shouldn't I go too ?"

I shook my head. "They have it all handled. And, although you have shown great control skills, you're also a newbie. You're still in your learning stage."

I was very composed and firm with my words and it made me realize that it was now easier to look at him without looking away as soon as our eyes would meet.

However, keeping the stance of the Beta the whole day was too draining for me to use it as an excuse.

"Sit down Ricky. There are snacks on the table. That is, if Aiyanna didn't eat all of them." Emily told him.

"I didn't. My brain is getting smashed with maths problems." I answered.

Ricky sat in front of me, and pulled out a pencil and papers from his bag. For what felt like an hour, we stayed in silence, doing our own homework while listening to Emily hum a lullaby softly as she did her hair. The scar on her face was now, the same color as her skin tone, contrarily to months before when it was darker.

For the umpteenth time I believed, I sighed and gathered my papers together to put them back in my bag.

"What are you doing ?" Ricky asked.

Confused by his sudden question, I frowned. "I'm done ?"

He stretched his hand towards me, inviting me to give him my sheets. "Can I see ?"

I hesitantly obeyed and watched him check what I did. He used his own pencil to cross the wrong answers I had written. I guess the worse of all was watching him put interrogation marks. It was like I was being corrected by a teacher right in front of me. It made me feel bad about myself.

I waited, playing with my fingers, as if I was waiting for the outcome of my trial.

Ricky, the nerd. That was how Paul had called him the first day we met him. He sure was different from the rest of us, who were just satisfied with being average.

"The first ones are correct, but the rest..." Ricky trailed off, his eyes moving from my sheets to me.

When he looked up at me, he probably saw a girl completely oblivious as to why she was wrong. If I wrote these answers, it was because I thought they were correct.

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