𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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☄️ 遇見公主 ☄️

Huening Kai opened his eyes, to find himself surrounded by darkness. Oh yeah, be remembered he was kidnapped. He sighed and tried to move his hands, only to feel pain.
Oh his wrists must have some blisteres at this point. The rope was tied too tight. If only his hands were free.

He tried to look around, his eyes finally adjusting in the darkness. But the room seemed empty. The floor was hard and the room had a weird smell. It was making his head ache. But he could do nothing about it. His throat was dry. He needed water. But no one seemed to care about him.

Is this how he's going to die? Wow, what an amazing way to die indeed.
"No Kai you aren't dying! You have to do something!! Think something Kai."
Kai tried to think of an Idea, but nothing came in his mind. He can't do anything in his current condition. It was impossible.

He closed his eyes in frustration. Is there even someone who will help him?


Beomgyu, Bahiyyih, Yeonjun, Soobin and Taehyun were now inside the castle. Taehyun had opened a portal as it was more convenient, and now all of them were standing on the training ground. The same place from where Taehyun took Kai with him.
Now they have to meet Lea. That's gonna be a big deal indeed. Beomgyu is already scared for his life.

"Don't worry Beomgyu, Lea will forgive you, I'm sure." Bahiyyih said reassuring Beomgyu.

"Yeah hopefully she will." He said looking down.

"Let's go then." Bahiyyih said leading all of them towards the elder's room.

[In Lea's Room]
Bahiyyih took the first step, entering Lea's room, only to find it empty. The only one present in the room was a maid who was here for her duties.

"Do you know where Princess Lea is?" Bahiyyih asked the maid.

"Princess headed towards the garden a while ago. Maybe you will find her there." The maid replied, bowing to them.

"Okay, Thankyou." Bahiyyih replied with a smile, walking out of the room to meet 4 curious gazes.

"What did the Princess say?" Taehyun asked, curious.

"Lea isn't here. We will have to head towards the Royal Garden. The maid said we can find her there." Bahiyyih said again taking the lead. The others followed her with a nod.

Just as they entered the Garden, Beomgyu's eyes fell on the eldest Princess, sitting by the fountain.

"There is Princess Lea." He said pointing to her.

All of them marched towards her. Lea was confused to see 3 unknown people with her sister and Beomgyu walking towards her. She got up from the fountain, straightening her dress which seemed to be crinkled from sitting.

"Why are you guys here? And who might these Guys be?"
Lea asked Bahiyyih and Beomgyu.

"Princess, this is Taehyun, Yeonjun and Soobin. And please take a seat. We have a lot to tell you. Please don't kill me though." Beomgyu said anxiously, introducing the others.

The three bowed infront of Lea in respect. Afterall she was the eldest Princess and older than them.
Explaining all things to Lea took a while. To say she was shocked was an understatement. She was totally flabbergasted about the whole situation.

Her brother was cursed by a Warlock and now he's missing and probably Kidnapped? Why was this kid always upto some trouble?

"Beomgyu, you shouldn't have let him go alone that day. You know our enemies are everywhere right?" Lea spoke sternly, looking at Beomgyu.
He gulped in fear. He was done for.

"Ahh Unnie! Beomgyu didn't know this would happen. You know oppa would have gone anyways even if Beomgyu denied. Now we need your help!" Bahiyyih spoke in between, trying to defend Beomgyu.

"Yeah you're right. That brat never listens to what I say! Both of you are trouble makers." Lea said with a sigh, rubbing her forhead in worry.

"Don't drag me in this! I didn't do anything!!" Bahiyyih whines pouting.

"Princess it's not the time for this. We need to find Kai before anything happens." Taehyun said catching Lea's attention.

"Yes Unnie. They saw Kai oppa getting kidnapped. Do you have any idea about our enemies? Because a normal person wouldn't have the courage to do that to Kai. They must be someone powerful enough to go against us." Bahiyyih asked Lea, curiosity flashing in her eyes.

"Well, there's only one person who can do that."

Hello Luvs! Here's the update! Enjoy reading~

Take Careee Byeee💙

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