𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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☄️ 對話 ☄️

"Oh no, I have to tell Princess Lea!" Beomgyu muttered to himself, he was about to turn around when he saw a person infront of him. He shriked in surprise.

"Ahhh! You scared me Princess!" Beomgyu said with hands on his chest, being dramatic as usual.

"Oh come on Beomgyu, I'm not a ghost. Also what were you saying about telling Lea?" Bahiyyih, the youngest asked Beomgyu in curiosity.

"Well I may or may not have seen something unusual, and Prince Kai is may or may not in trouble again." Beomgyu said sheepishly. He was supposed to tell Lea, but he can't say No to Hiyyih. She's Kai's sister afterall.

What do you mean Sir Choi? Please elaborate!"  Bahiyyih asked puzzled.

"Well...the thing is, I saw the warlock take Prince Kai with him to I don't know where. I was coming here to call him, when I saw him entering a shining circle. Before I could stop him, the circle was already closed." Beomgyu explained everything to Bahiyyih.

"Wahhh, Oppa is in serious trouble. If Lea finds out, he will be dead. We have to bring him back here before Lea notices." Bahiyyih said after thinking for a while.

"But we don't know where they are Princess! How will we bring Prince back?" Beomgyu asked worried.

"Oh don't worry Beomgyu. I know where they must be. In the magical forest of 5:53. Let's go!" Bahiyyih said with a glint of excitement in her tone. The Huening siblings seriously loved danger and mischief.


They successfully sneaked out from the castle. Now Beomgyu and Bahiyyih were on their way to the magical forest, Kai told them about.

Thankgod Bahiyyih knew about this. Or else who knows what can happen to Kai.

Finally, they were standing infront of a dead end. It was just a normal hill.

"Princess are you sure this is the place we are supposed to be at? It's just a dead end." Beomgyu asked Hiyyih, unsure about the place.

"Well according to my book, yeah this is the place. For now let's wait till 5:53." Bahiyyih replied simply.

It was 5:45 right now. Just few more minutes to pass and the truth will be infront of them. Beomgyu and Bahiyyih were waiting for the time to pass. Every minute felt like hours. Seriously why does time passes so slow when you want it to go fast?

Beomgyu was worried sick, pacing back and forth, tapping his shoes anxiously.

Finally, the moment of truth came. Their eyes were on the hill. Just as the clock struck 5:53, the Hill vanished and clouds and sparkles popped, revealing the magical forest infront of them.

Beomgyu's eyes widened in shock. There was the entrance of the magical forest. He slowly walked towards it, admiring the beauty laid infront of his eyes. There were white mist like fog floating around, the butterflies releasing sparkles from where they were flying. Like pixie dust. The trees touched the sky and mushrooms were bigger than fruits, some even sparkling purple-white.

The sky was a beautiful shade of pink. It was Enchanting. Beomgyu and Bahiyyih were awestruck.

"Wow" escaped from both their mouths at the same time.

"Let's go inside Princess." Beomgyu finally said coming out of his daze.

"Yeah let's go!" Bahiyyih said nodding and they started walking forward.

But what they didn't know was that someone was hiding from them.

"Are they gone?"
"Yeah! Let's get out of here now! Hurry up!"
"Woah it was easier than we thought!"

Beomgyu and Bahiyyih failed to notice the people, who were the main cause of their worry.

Hello luvs! Finally I'm out of the block lol.
Sorry for keeping y'all waiting! Here's the new chap!! Enjoy reading!!
Take care, bye luvsss💙

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