𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐭𝐞𝐧

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Beomgyu and Bahiyyih were walking ahead, unsure about the path ahead.
The forest was Enchanting. Never in their entire lives have they seen a forest like this. Bahiyyih's book was right indeed.

"Princess, how will we know where the Warlock's cottage is? Kai didn't tell us about it." Beomgyu mumbled with a sigh. What if they aren't able to find the cottage? What if Kai is in danger?

"Don't be so pessimistic Beomgyu. We will find him!" Bahiyyih said, trying to cheer up Beomgyu.

"Yeah you're right. Not the time to be sad! Let's find Prince Kai and go home!!" Beomgyu yelled a bit loud and enthusiastically.

This made Bahiyyih chuckle. Beomgyu really was a mood-maker.

Without talking any further, they kept walking forward, admiring the beauty of the magical forest. They didn't realise when time passed and now they were lost in the forest.

"Princess, I think we have crossed this path before...are we Lost?" Beomgyu says distressed. They have been walking around for what felt like hours already. What if they are unable to find Kai and get stuck here instead?

"You're right, maybe we are lost. Ugh I hope there was a map for this forest. Let's rest a bit for sometime then we will continue our search." Bahiyyih said sliding down near a tree, resting her head on the tree-trunk. She patted the space beside her, signalling Beomgyu to sit down as well.

Beomgyu nodded and sat down beside her, looking up at the sky.

"Do you think faeries exist here?" Beomgyu asked randomly.

"Maybe they do? Afterall it's a magical forest. But why the sudden question Sir Beomgyu?" Bahiyyih replied, a bit amused by Beomgyu's sudden question.

"Nothing, it just came in my mind randomly." Beomgyu said, busy thinking about something.

Bahiyyih chose not to ask any further and now she was looking where Beomgyu was looking. At the sky. She wondered if they are really stuck here.

She closed her eyes, contemplating about what to do next. Suddenly, she heared someone's voice. She became alert and tried to hear what the person was saying.

"That was Kai!!? The prince of Neanderthal!!" Bahiyyih's body jerked up, upon listening the name of her brother.
She shook Beomgyu who was sitting beside her with closed eyes.

"Sir Beomgyu!! Hey! Do you hear someone? They're speaking about Kai!" She whisper yelled shaking Beomgyu out of his thoughts.

"Huh? What?" He spoke in half-sleepy state. Bahiyyih face-palmed and said "listen carefully! It's coming from somewhere near, we should follow the voice."

Beomgyu and Bahiyyih got up, quietly following the voice. They walked slowly and hid behind a tree.

They saw three guys talking to themselves. They couldn't hear them that much, but it was clear they were talking about Kai.
The three guys started to walk away.

"Hurry! Let's follow them Beomgyu. I think they know about where Kai might be." Bahiyyih said and held Beomgyu's wrist dragging him with her.
They were following the three now.

After following them, the ended up standing infront of a small cottage. While the three walked inside the house, Beomgyu and Bahiyyih hid behind the window so they could listen to what they were talking about.

"Princess, I think it's the Warlock's house Kai was talking about." Beomgyu exclaimed a little too loud.

"Keep quiet Beomgyu! Do you want us to get caught?" Bahiyyih mumbled, telling Beomgyu to shut up.

"Who's there?" Someone yelled from inside.

"Fuck" Bahiyyih muttered and slapped her hand on Beomgyu's mouth so he doesn't spits out some stupid shit.

"Whoever you are stop hiding, I can see two people there. You better come out." The person from inside yelled again, Making Bahiyyih and Beomgyu freeze on spot.

"We are doomed."

Hello Luvs! I'm back... seriously I update this book so slow I'm sorry😭🤌

For now enjoy this chapter. Next chapter coming up in like 35 minutes?
See ya Luvs! Take care💙

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