𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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☄️ 新計劃 ☄️

Huening Kai felt his body finally getting energy. He groaned in pain. His head was hurting like hell. It was difficult to open his eyes...he tried to lift his hands to rub his eyes, but his hands weren't moving.

"Why aren't my Hands moving?" Kai thought in his half-concious state. His hands and feets felt numb. He yet again tried to move his hands, only to feel a sharp pain on his wrists.
He stopped moving and tried to open his eyes slowly, finally succeeding in opening his eyes. But his sight seemed to betray him.

It was all blurry and unclear. He blinked repeatedly...trying to adjust to the settings around him. The surrounding was way too dark. He couldn't see anything. After a minute, his eyes finally adjusted to the surroundings and lighting....and he saw himself tied.

He looked around in confusion....not being able to comprehend what was going on. He pulled on his hands again, only to find his hands were tied above his head. He tried moving his legs, but instead heared a clinking sound.

Was he trapped? No that can't be...how? Why doesn't he remembers anything?

Kai tried to focus and think about what might have happened before he was bought here. But he couldn't remember anything at all. And if he tries hard, his head hurts.

"Ugh why can't i remember anything?"
Kai groans in frustration. He doesn't knows why he's here or what happened...nor can he remember what happened before he was here.

He shook his head, trying to remember again. But no avail. He was going to scream for help, when he heared footsteps.
He became alert, his ears doing it's work to know what's actually happening. The sound was getting closer and closer...until it stopped.

Kai heared the sound of a door opening.

There was a sudden emergence of light coming inside the place Kai was in. Guess someone opened the door of this room. Kai looked up to see two people getting inside.

He tried to look at their faces, and shit....he remembers these faces. He surely does.

"So you are awake your highness." One of the guy says with a sly grin on his face.

"Where Am I? Who are you people?" Kai yelled glaring at the man.

"Oh don't be so pissy prince, you are at our humble adobe. We welcome you at the 'Living Hell', hope you enjoy your stay here." The other guy spoke, laughing like a maniac.

Kai stared at them confused. "Living Hell"? Is he kidnapped?
Suddenly his memories struck him like lightning. Now he remembers what happened.

"Yes i was leaving the Warlock's Cottage!! And these guys kidnapped me! Oh my god... I'm doomed." Kai gulps in fear. His hands are tied and legs are chained...he can't even fight. He doesn't know how dangerous these people are and what they can do to him. But he's sure about one thing....he isn't safe at all.

"Why did you guys are Trapping me here? What do you need from me?" Kai screams in distress, sweat forming on his forhead...even though the room was cold. His heartbeat fast from the fear.

"Well.... it's simple we need to know about the magical forest...and you will tell us about how you entered it. Plus you're the prince...keeping you hostage will benefit us." The man said coming close to Kai.

"Stay away!! Don't you dare to come near me!! And I'll never tell you about the forest." Kai hissed agitated. He's not going to let them know about the forest...their aura screams "trouble and danger" and as the Prince, it's his duty to save his kingdom. The forest also falls under his reign...plus he promised Taehyun and Yeonjun he will not tell anyone about it. He doesn't budges from his words.

"Shut up and keep your voice down. You are not the one in charge here, so shut your mouth and do what we say."
The man growled, gripping Kai's face and slapping his cheeks harshly.

"Be stupid again and you will see what i can do. You are lucky we are leaving for now. Don't think you are safe. Not at all" The man said walking away from Kai and closing the door again.

Kai face turned away with the impact of the slap. It was stinging so bad, he's sure there's an imprint of the man's hand on his cheeks. Oh if only his hands were free, then he would have broken their bones till now. But sadly he can't do anything. Even his hands feel numb from hanging above his head. God how did he end up like this?


Taehyun was pacing back and forth inside the living room. He couldn't think of a way to find about the prince or who those people might be. The distraught was showing clearly on his face.
Yeonjun wasn't any better either. His eyebrows furrowed in worry.

The two of them including Soobin were sitting inside the living room, trying to think of a way about how to find the prince and those men. It could turn out to be very dangerous if they don't find them soon. They don't know what plan those people have under their sleeve.

"Taehyun stop walking... it's annoying...we are already stressed so sit down and think." Yeonjun whined in annoyance. The sound of Taehyun's feet going back and forth on the wooden floor was making Yeonjun's brain explode.

"Sorry hyung....you know i can't help it." Taehyun mumbled sheepishly. He stopped walking and sat down beside Soobin on the chair.

Taehyun was still thinking....when a thought came into his mind.
"Hyungs, what if we ask his sister about their enemies? Because who else beside Kai's enemy would dare to kidnap a prince?"

Yeonjun and Soobin looked at Taehyun with puzzled looks. That actually made sense. Huening Kai was considered one of the strongest people in the kingdom...and people loved him. No one other than his enemies would dare to do such a thing. Plus they must be powerful enough to take this risk. His sister might know about this. Afterall they are the royal family members.

"That's actually a great idea Taehyuh!! We should ask them for help. But how are we gonna ask them for help?" Yeonjun asked curious.

"Don't worry about that hyung, i have a plan." Taehyun flashed a smug smile after seeing his hyung's confused face.
Now he will make things right and save the Prince.

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Hey Luvs!! Here's the new chap!!
Enjoy reading~

See y'all later byeee!! Take caree mwah💙

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