𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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☄️ 到達 ☄️

[In the royal castle]
Taehyun opened a portal inside of the royal castle. He was now standing inside of what seemed like the Hallway. He looked around himself.
The hallway was pretty big and majestic. There were paintings and weapons hanging on the wall. Thankfully there weren't guards here or else he would be in trouble.

"I wonder where the prince could be." Taehyun muttered to himself. He kept walking forward, which led him to a big empty space. It seemed like a hallroom. He walked further and saw a big potrait of the Huening Family hanging on the front wall.

There were 5 people in it. The picture seemed to be taken 3-4 years ago. He looked carefully into it and his eyes landed on Huening Kai. He looked younger, but he could feel his charisma from the picture.

The King's picture screamed power and authority. Now he knows from where Kai got his looks, he looked mostly like his father. Even his sisters.
He saw the Queen beside Huening Kai. The Queen looked so elegant and delicate.

"So the good looks runs in their blood huh?" Taehyun thought and walked away from there. Just as he was walking past the hallway, he heared some footsteps. He held his breathe and quickly hid. He saw some guards crossing from his peripheral vision. Thankgod they didn't turn towards his direction or he would have been doomed.

When the guards walked away, he got out from hiding and started walking slowly, downstairs. As he was walking he heared some maids talking.

"I heared the king is setting up the prince with Princess Hyerim of Entrinia."

"Yeah the talk is spreading all over the country. Well she seems a good match for our Prince. As we talk, where is Prince?"

"Oh he's training in the training ground as usual."

"Our Highness is so amazing isn't he? Last time he saved one of the Maids from getting punished. No wonder everyone loves him."
The maids kept giggling while talking about Kai.

Taehyun got the information he wanted. Kai is in the training ground. Now he can directly go there. Also stupid maids, they think Princess Hyerim is a good match for their dear prince? Jokes on them, he doesn't even likes women.

Scoffing he walks away from there and teleports infront of the training ground.
Now he was standing infront of the gate, and his eyes land on the Prince. He was wearing his armour, practicing sword-fighting. He looked extremely ethereal and hot like that. Sweat dripping from his forhead, eyes focused, and his body swinging Swiftly with every move he made.

His body proportions were godly, broad Shoulders, buff chest and Arms, long legs and his tall height. Taehyun was tall but Kai was ever taller. He will look so small infront of Huening Kai. His face was another talk. He surely was the son of Aphrodite.

Taehyun was surely enjoying the view infront of him. He wasn't sure why he was acting like this. He was straing for too long, then he finally realised what he was doing and his cheeks and ears started heating up.

"What am i doing? The prince is handsome for sure but- ughh whatever i should approach him now."
Finally getting himself together...he walked towards the prince and said-

"So the people were right. Your highness really has an entrancing aura and Enormous Power. I'm impressed."
He said with a smile on his face. He didn't know why he was smiling but still he did. Hearing his voice, the prince turned towards him...and dear lord...his face was definitely a piece of Art.

"Taehyun not again!" He reminded himself and walked towards him.
Kai asked "what are you doing here?" And Taehyun said what he had planned to say.

When Taehyun opened the portal, he saw the prince's shocked face. He chuckled and told him not to worry, he won't kill him. But The Prince's reply made him flustered again. What's with Taehyun getting flustered today?

The Prince is surely doing something to his heart. Well he will think about that later. He needs to take care of more important things right now.

He took Kai to the forest, His cottage to be exact.

"Why are we here?" Kai asked puzzled. Why was he here in the forest? Didn't taehyun say he wanted to talk about the curse?

"Let's get inside first shall we? Then we can talk." Taehyun said walking towards his cottage.

"Uh okay sure." Kai followed Taehyun.

Now they were inside Taehyun's cottage. He walked inside to see another guy sitting there. They looked at each other. Kai slightly smiled but seeing the stranger guy's serious face, he just scratched his neck, embarassed.

Taehyun gestured Kai to sit down on the Chair infront of him, and he did.

"So let's start the main talk." Taehyun announced and Kai's full focus was on him.

"So basically, i think you know about the 5:53 magic secret. Am i right Prince?" Taehyun asked Kai waiting for his answer.
He just nodded his head indicating "Yes".

"Okay, so how did you find about it? No one is supposed to know about this forest. Also my name is Yeonjun by the way." Yeonjun spoke, asking Kai about the main matter.

"Well, i found about it from a book which my sister had. And i wanted to see if it's actually right, and then i found out it's true. That's how i entered your Cottage and caused all that mess. I apologise for that, again."

Kai answered calmly, but he was nervous inside.

"Oh, i see. But now that you know about it, you can't tell anyone about it. If you do I'll lift up your curse!" Taehyun said warning him.

"What? But i already told my sister and Beomgyu!! And you can't lift the curse please!! I don't wanna get married to the princess!" Kai yelled, making Taehyun and Yeonjun Flinch.

"Listen prince, we can't let humans know about our secret. And now that you know, we aren't Letting you go easily. You either swear to never tell anyone about it and make those two shut up about this too...or we will lift your curse. It depends on you."
Yeonjun hissed, getting up.

"Okay! Don't worry!! I'll never tell anyone about this forest. And I'll convince Beomgyu and Bahiyyih too. But don't lift the curse." Kai spoke calming down. He just doesn't needs to tell anyone right? As long as no one knows, it's fine.

"Okay! Fine! But we will keep an eye at you, so don't think of doing some shit." Taehyun said looking Directly at Kai.
Kai gulped and nodded.

"Yes i give you my words. No one will ever know about it. Now can i go? If Father or Lea finds out I'm missing, it's gonna be a trouble for me." Kai stated and looked at the two, waiting for their answers.

"Okay! You can go now. Better not tell anyone or else you know what will happen." Yeonjun said giving a "you better watch out" look to Kai.

He nodded and walked out of their cottage.
Taehyun and Yeonjun sighed in relief. Finally the forest was safe.


"I saw the prince!! I told you it's true...now we could get what we want."
The man smirked, and walked away with his gang for now.

Maybe the forest wasn't so safe after all.

Hey Luvs!!! Double update as i said!! This is the longest chaptee i have written till now lol.
Hope y'all enjoy reading it! See y'all in next chapter!
Bye for now! Take caree💙

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