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*3rd person pov*

A week had passed since Jade received her treacherous punishment from her master, Dácio.

She went to her appointment as promised and chose an IUD for her contraceptive plan. Since the two would be having no sexual encounters any time soon, she figured she'd have more than enough time to get use to the device.

Dácio on the other hand spent every day of that week struggling to sleep. He missed the feeling of Jade's soft body curled into his side at night. The way she mumbled through her dreams, batted her soft dough eyes when asking for something, and the way she'd surprise him with her impeccable sense of style.

Even though the two fell asleep under the same roof every night, he missed everything about her.

What Dácio hated the most about his punishments were that most of the time, they punished him too.

It made him just as worried as Jade. He reminisced constantly about past subs that didn't work out. All of them gave him terrible behavior but wanted the world in return, and he was fearful that Jade would be the same.

During nights that he couldn't sleep, he'd just sit on the edge of Jade's bed and stroke her hair while she slept peacefully. He'd whisper small prayers that he could stick to his word that she'd truly be the last one.

Jade found herself realizing a lot of things while the two spent their days apart, but most importantly how much she needed to see her family.

Now, at the beginning of week two on her punishment, she ended up on her parents front porch bright and early on a Tuesday morning.

She prayed the spare was where they left it under the rock by the flower pots. To her luck, it was there as promised, and she could already hear Dexter barking as she fumbled with the lock.

Both of her parents hadn't left for work yet, and the sun was barely peaking over the horizon as she stepped inside.

Dexter immediately hushed his barks once he saw his beloved best friend walk through. He jumped up frantically with excitement, collecting all the love Jade had been saving for him while away.

His coarse tongue licked at her face adoringly while he whimpered here and there as she pet him. Jade's eyes swelled with tears as overwhelming emotions began to wash over her.

She missed every part of her home. The way it smelled, Dexter's hair all over the place, and the creek of the wood in the floors. She missed all of the small things that made a house a home.

What she didn't miss though was the struggle it took to maintain it, and that memory alone reminded her of why she left.

While Jade sat in the foyer crying with Dexter, her tired mother cautiously wandered down the steps to find her daughter who had returned home.

Not many words were spoken between the two because it was said in a hug. A hug so tight you'd think Jade had been missing. A feeling so warm that the two radiated an aura of love.

While Jade had time to realize, her parents did too.

They realized that no matter what Jade did with this one life she had to live, at least she was alive. They were just thankful their daughter wasn't on the news, and that's all that mattered.

Plus, with the weight of one less person to take care of, her parents could finally start bettering their money for the long run.

Jades father soon joined the two in their loving hug. Dexter danced around the reunited family, and it resembled something straight out of a movie with the way they rocked side to side, tears streaming down all of their faces.

"I see no bags.. guessing you won't be here long," Anna sniffled as she tucked a hair behind Jade's ear, admiring the presence of her daughter.

"Correct mom..." Jade sniffled, wiping her own tears.

Todd, Jade's dad shook his head with a breathy chuckle.

"I'm just glad to see ya honey," he admitted.

The feeling was mutual between all three of them.

The two moved their moment into the kitchen. Her parents made coffee for one another while questioning Jade about everything.

They asked what made her do it, if Dácio was as good as a man as she claimed he was, if she'd ever bring him back home, and many more things.

Jade answered everything to the best of her ability. She described Dácio as who he was- a true man that provided. He took care of Jade emotionally and financially, but for her parents sake she left out the intimate arrangements. They both had something the other wanted. She wanted the money, and he wanted her presence. The more Jade explained it though, the more she realized that wasn't all she wanted.

She wanted every part of Dácio, not just his crazy dominant side. She wondered if he had bad days. Not days where he couldn't control his emotions during sessions, but genuine bad days that made him wonder about everything under the sun.

She wanted to know all of the thoughts on his mind like he wanted to know the thoughts on hers.

She wanted him to know it was safe to open up when needed, and she'd still listen to every task he wanted to dish out at her. That it was okay to be vulnerable without him fearing it'd strip him of his masculinity or dominance. That she'd still be on her knees for him at the drop of a hat no matter how raw his emotions got.

She didn't express that to her parents though. She left it with a more simple explanation, which was that the two thoroughly enjoyed each other for who they were, and the money just became another blessing.

Jade assured them that they could meet Dácio down the line, and that she'd be back to visit when she could as well.

Her parents got enough answers to satisfy their troubled spirits, and Jade felt even more weight that she didn't know she was carrying be lifted off of her shoulders.

"Well as much as we'd love to call off of work today, unfortunately not everyone has a career like this Dácio does," Todd joked, finishing up his coffee as he checked the time.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you guys a day off," I shrugged, implying that Dácio could not only help me but my family too.

"Too bad he's not either of our bosses sweetie," Anna chuckled, finishing up her coffee as she began starting the dishes.

"Besides, at least let us meet the guy before we start trying to mooch off of him," Todd added, placing his mug in the sink.

Jade sighed with a shrug as she mumbled a small "fair enough," before continuing to pet Dexter.

"So.. how would you guys feel about Dexter leaving for a bit?"


A/n: I had to make sure I included this filler or any information about her parents. Mainly because I want my books to be as realistic as possible, and any sane parent would wonder where their child is. No matter the age.

I also had to use my mindset on how I'd see it as a parent, which is yeah- you can be what Society May view as a disappointment or end up as one- but at least you're not dead. Everything considered bad eventually can be changed, but death cannot.

Quaintrelle||M.MNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ