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Thank you all SO SO much for reading this book!! Started it so long ago and honestly just forgot about it. I'd always wanted to write a story just never did! This Injury I have kept me at home so I was like "might as well continue." I honestly didn't even think anyone would read it so I really appreciate you all!

I know the Fanfic 1D era was long ago, but occasionally I'd still read a few throughout the years. It literally made my day when you all would vote and comment so I cannot thank you enough! I joined when I was 12 and am now 22! 10 YEARS!!!

Also I went like full dive into this! Since I had so much time I got to map out all of this so I'm going to include some info like dates of birth and a timeline. I had to do so much thinking because it was set in the present so of course their birth years changed. Usually when I read I like knowing things like that but I know not everybody does lol!

When I tell you all that I DID RESEARCH! I had so many tabs open constantly. From looking up flight times, to time differences, I'd open my maps app see how far things were from a said location, I placed Zayn properly by the campus and Liam in the rich neighborhood of London.

I looked up so many restaurants, faked some Insta stories, tried editing and photoshopping pictures! Keep in mind I'm not a big photoshop person....

For the Vegas chapters though I just knew things down there. I've gone multiple times so it was all from the heart 😂 For the wedding chapters I looked at tons of scripts from the officiant and what the couple would say, the vows, timeline, and honeymoon itineraries!

When I work on anything I always try and break it down and plan it properly so I do hope you all didn't get confused on somethings. If you did let me know!!! It'll drive me insane😂😂 I go back and read chapters and I'm like "OH NO."

Buuuuut anyways heres the dates and timeline!

(Ages as of wedding)
Zayn: January 12th, 2001 22 now
Liam: August 29th, 1997 26 now
Harry: February 1st, 2001 22 now
Louis: December 24th, 1996 27 now
Niall: September 13th, 1997 26 now
Freddie: January 21st, 2016 7 now

The Announcement: Wednesday Nov 23rd
Under one condition, Family feud, The Hideout Lounge, In enemy territories: Thursday Nov 24th
Slowly slipping, Only business: Friday Nov 25th
Second thoughts, The Signing: Friday Dec 2nd
Sneaky link, You good, Curiouser and curiouser & Dangerous Liaisons: Friday Dec 16th
Aftermath: Friday Dec 16th-Saturday Dec 17th
Showmance & Talk of shame: Saturday Dec 17th
Weight of the world, Psych Eval, Avoidance: Sunday Dec 18th-Dec 24th
Confrontational, Crossroads, Karmas a B: Saturday Dec 24th
A whole lot of history: flashback to Liam in private school, college, and out of college.
Cheers to 2023: New Years 2022-2023
Ghost of New Years past: Friday Jan 13th
Love fiction: Wednesday Jan 18th
Under the mic: Friday Jan 20th
James Dean daydream & Mistake of up and down: Tuesday Feb 21st
Sealed with a kiss: Saturday Feb 25th
Infatuated: Sunday Feb 26th
Time flies: Saturday Mar 11th
Spring breakers: March 12th-19th
You have my heart: Monday March 20th
Malik family values: Thursday March 23rd
Group effort: Saturday May 13th
Forever and always: Saturday Jun 3rd
Hannah Montana moment: Monday Jun 12th
Venues and vacations: Tuesday Aug 15th
26 years young: Tuesday Aug 29th
The Daily Show: Monday September 18th
Viva Las Ziam, Old thoughts, What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas, It Is, and always was you, No place like home: Friday Nov 10th-Monday Nov 13th
Book bluff: Saturday Nov 25th
Story of our lives: Thursday Dec 30th
And it was all Yellow, I Do, Crazy Rich Brits, Here with you is where I'm meant to be: Saturday Dec 2nd
Discharged: Sunday Dec, 3rd
Destination you: Monday Dec 4th- Sunday Dec 10th

So I have this idea for a sequel... should I continue or no? I mean you all kind of saw a peak in the epilogue but I want to know
what you think!

Anyways again!! Thank you all SOOOOOOOOOOO much! I got to live out my Wattpad writer fantasy! 😂🫶🏼🤍

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