Ghost of New Years past

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Zayn stood in his mirror clutching the dice necklace scanning his birthday outfit. He wore a busy patterned button up, black jeans, and a pair of boots. Looking behind him at his now messy bedroom he huffed.

Plopping down on his bed he grabbed at his hair. He wasn't ready for what the night would bring. After tonight everyone would know about their supposed "relationship."

As he shut his eyes and controlled his breathes, his bedroom door swung open. "Come on birthday boy let's go!" Said his best friend barging in like he owned the place.

"How about we just skip it?" Asked Zayn covering his face with his hands.

"How about no. Come on everyone's probably already arriving. Harry said throwing his leather jacket at him.

He sat up removing the coat from his face. "Ouch and ouch. I didn't want to get too dressed up. Not like it's my wedding day yet..." Zayn said dryly.

Harry just frowned. Lately Zayn would make comments like that since his meeting with their PR Manager. "Zayn..." he said with a disappointed look.

"I know, I know... sorry. Let's go." Zayn said slipping on the jacket. With a final look he glanced himself over and headed out the door.

A short drive later they arrived at one of London's top clubs where the event was held. Niall did a good job planning considering how last minute this was and Fridays were always big nights for clubs.

When he entered the elaborately decorated venue he was bombarded with a choir of friends, some celebrities, and coworkers yelling "Happy Birthday Zayn!"

He went around making small talk and thanking everyone for coming. Then he greeted his family and the Payne's. He also had a run in with Liam then immediately b lined to his group. Of course, Harry was already at Kendall's side when he walked up to his close friend group.

With an ear piercing screech over the music Gigi engulfed him in a hug. "Zaynie oh my gosh you're 22 now! You look so good!" He hugged her back and smiled.

"Thanks G! Harry didn't seem to think so. He said I looked atrocious." He spoke over the music nodding his head towards his friend.

"Harry! How dare you say that to the birthday boy!" Kendall smacked his arm.

"Woah woah, hey! I didn't even say that." He said rubbing the spot that was just hit.

"Anyways... Guess what Zaynie! We have a huge surprise for you!" Gigi bounces excitedly.

"Awww guys you didn't have to get me a gift." He said looking between them.

"Weeeelll... I got you a gift duh, but this isn't really a gift per say." Kendall dragged out with a smile plastered on her face.

"Okaaaayyy? I'm scared" He narrowed his eyes at them.

"More of a... certain someone." Gigi said moving out of Zayn's line of sight To reveal the man from the New Years party.

"Hi." The man smiled approaching him

" The man smiled approaching him

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