The signing

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"Oh Hi sweetie! Hi Liam." Trisha smiles and says as They both enter the office

"Hi Mom, Dad, Geoff..." Zayn drags out and sits down. She moves to go hug him as usual but stops when he plops on the chair.

"Hello Zayn" Geoff nods.

She looks to Yaser and he only shrugs his shoulders. Zayn hasn't spoke to them since he went off that one day. It was a weird feeling. They were really close before this chaos. He often visited his parents after class or even after a long photoshoot they'd go get lunch.

"Hello Mrs. Malik." Liam goes in to greet her with a handshake.

"Oh Liam no need for that get over here!" She pulls him in for a hug.

Surprised, Liam eventually gives in and returns the favor. He then moves to Yaser then his father.

A wave of quietness falls over the room. You could physically feel the tension between the group. Zayn begins to anxiously bounce his leg as Liam sits down on the chair next to him, both facing their parents.

"So let's get on with it shall we." Liam says in a loud deep tone to get everyone's attention.

"I take it you've both read it thoroughly through then?" Geoff questions raising his brows at the two in front of him.

Liam only nods as Zayn mutters a soft "yes" so lightly you could barely hear it. He was so uncomfortable with the vibes in the room. It was way too tense for him. He steals a glance at Liam real fast. How did he appear so calm on the outside? Zayn thought to himself.

"Perfect then! Now I've already seen you two this past week making progress in the media. That's a good start." Geoff begins

"Yes I agree! All the editorial blogs are just eating it up. It's going to help push this in the direction we want it to go." Trisha follows up.

Zayn just swallows. He wants to come back with something but he prevents himself. Everything in him was fighting the urge to go off on them right then and there however he's a professional and in front of Geoff he didn't want to seem like a brat. Ultimately he knows this is just a business decision which he hasn't necessarily come to terms with yet but sadly here he is.

"I do have a question though." Liam speaks up.

"Yes of course Liam." Yaser asks

"Now I know theres lots of rules, stipulations, and logistics of it all, but there's not really a time frame of how long this 'relationship'" he quotes "will be. So how long should we be um talking or dating or whatever you want to call it until we get to the later stages?"

The three older adults look to each other. All of them clearly trying to figure out who's to speak. "We left that out of it because it's entirely up to you." Yaser answers. "Look I'm just going to address the elephant in the room. I know this hurt you Zayn."

Zayn tenses at his name. He'd honestly just been trying to tune everything out only nodding when he needed.

"I know it may have seemed as if we just disregarded your feelings, but to be truthful this is a legal and financial partnership." However you choose to build up to that point is between the two of you. We're not going to control every moment between you guys. Now we know you two can't stand each other and if that's how it stays then that's how it stays, however to the public it has to seem a certain way." He states

Liam and Zayn looked between each other surprisingly. No ones really ever brought that topic up to them.

Zayn and Liam nod again.

"I truly think this will be beneficial for the both of you boys." Trisha says calmly.

"It doesn't state how long though. Does that mean that whatever this is lasts forever?" Zayn finally speaks up and asks hesitantly

"Wow you did both read it." Geoff nods in approval. He's sighs before starting once more. "Again that will also be up to you. You both know how the media works. Let's say you got married tomorrow how would that look for Zayn? Then I don't know a year or two down the road you think 'Nows a good time to end it,' do you think the press will take to that well?"

Zayn hates sitting here feeling so helpless. He wanted to cry, scream, and throw everything off Geoffs table. It was one thing to keep up appearances to the public and media, but now he was to lie about his life. What people will be seeing wouldn't be true and that's what bothered him the most.

"Yes sir." Liam nods.

"Any other questions?" Geoff asks the pair.

"No." They both say in unison.

Zayn hasn't made eye contact with anyone in the room. He's glanced toward Liam but hasn't met his gaze yet. He felt the tears welling up the whole time if he was being honest so he didn't want either of them to catch it.

"Perfect then here's the final copy." Geoff takes out the copy he'd been keeping as the official and sets a pen down along with it.

Liam moves first out of the two. He grabs the pen then stops as he reads the cover. Without hesitation he signed the bottom. He knew if he took any second to think he'd start to get doubts. Liam then looks over to Zayn and hands him the pen. After realizing he wasn't paying attention he placed his hand on Zayn's thigh.

The touch made Zayn jolt a bit. He'd been so focused on the floor tugging at his bottom lip anxiously that he'd forgotten what was happening for a second.

"Hey... you good?" Liam whispers.

Shocked at how soft and sincere Liams voice was along with his hand placement Zayn stutters out "uh- y-y-yeah Mfine." He takes the pen then moves to the paper.

As he glances at the title his mind begins to be flooded by his conscious. Should I? Should I not? A ton of what if's and scenarios too. He sighs collecting his calm then starts to sign. After dotting the I in his last name he sets the pen down then looks to his thigh. Liams hand was still resting there.

"Uh" Zayn says

"OH uh. Sorry." Liam awkwardly grins.

"Right so that settles it. We have some business to take care of so well leave you two be. Now Liam, Zayn... I know the two of you are strong minded individuals. Just think about the success you will bring to each other and this company." Geoff addresses then grabbing his things.

"Now Zayn I'll see you next week for the event right?" His mother questions.

"Uh yes." Zayn says emotional.

After saying bye the pair leave the office heading to the elevator. As the two walk side by side neither of them say anything to each other. The elevator ride down was dreadfully quiet. The walk to the car was mostly the same until Liam broke the silence.

"You hungry?"

"Huh?" Zayn questions as he's pulled from his thoughts. He was staring out the window pondering everything just that happened.

"Do you want food?" Liam says.

"Oh I uh don't really feel like eating but thanks." Zayn says as he looks back out the passenger side.

Liam looks at Zayn then focuses on the road. He didn't want to push things further so he just headed to the loft.

Was this how it would always be? The two of them just tolerating each other? He thought.

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