Family feud

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"Just the usual please." Zayn tells the barista with a smile. He pulls a bill from his pocket and slides it over.

"Honey, how many times do I have to tell you? It's on the house." The barista chuckles as she slides the bill back to Zayn

Zayn found himself at the campus Starbucks almost everyday or every other day. He'd been doing this since his freshman year. Now since he was a senior everyone knew Zayn's order. In fact they even named his order "The Zayn," and had a special sign for it.

"A thousand and I still refuse to take a free drink." He slips the £20 bill back. His drink was only about £3 with his student discount, but he always wanted whichever barista took his order to keep the change.

"Ugh whatever Zayn" she smiles then proceeds to make his drink.

Zayn makes his way to Harry and plops down on the couch. He loved the campus Starbucks because it was especially designed for comfort and studying. The franchise close to his loft was more of a commercial location. Those seats were not as comfortable as the university's.

"I literally don't know why you insist on coming so early." Harry drags out clearly tired.

Zayn scoffs. "It's only half past ten. Relax mate. Be glad I didn't tell you eight am."

"Definitely would not have come." Says the tired one out of the two.

"Of course you probably stayed up hours after we last texted. Seriously what do you do? Make up scenarios of you and Kendall dating!" Zayn grins ear to ear because he knows he's got the attention of Harry.

"KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN." Harry half yell whispers. "Someone could hear you." He rolls his eyes then pulls out his textbook.

As Zayn pulls out his text book along with Harry he retorts "You act like she goes here. If someone even heard you do you really think they'd know you're talking about Kendall Jenner?" He lowers his voice towards the end of the sentence.

"Well no but still... I don't talk about your little crush on Liam out loud do I?" He challenges Zayn's efforts.

Zayn narrows his eyes and shakes his head, "first I don't see how you even think you're right all the time, second I know you are just trying to get under my skin, and Third I DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM." He then opens his laptop to check the notes he took the day before.

"Okay okay whatever helps you sleep at night. If you want to hide your feelings by all means. I can't stop you, but I've been talking to this therapist, and she says saying your true feelings will lift a huge weight off your shoulders."

"So you're saying I'm lying to you then?" Zayn says getting annoyed.

He could tolerate Harry saying these ridiculous claims, but sometimes he just pushed it too much for Zayn's liking. Its not that he was bothered by the statement it's just Harry brought it up way too often.

"I didn't say that. Guilty conscience though." Harry winks at Zayn.

"You're horrible. Anyways I was going to ask before you started making assumptions about my love life, if you wanted to go with me to my fittings tomorrow? If you say no because you'll be busy I know you're lying. we both don't have class tomorrow." Zayns says dropping the topic.

"Well jeez what if I wanted to sleep in psycho." Harry blinks.

Zayn laughs at his best friends response. "Please Haaaaz. I don't want to go alone." Zayn whines. "Plus it's at noon so you have plenty of time to snooze all thirty of your alarms."

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