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When he entered the office Yaser was typing at his desk deep in the moment. He shut the door then cleared his throat. "Sorry to interrupt." Liam stated.

"Ah Liam. don't worry about it I was just responding to some last minute emails." Yaser peeled his attention away from the screen briefly then continued to type. "One sec." he said.

Liam nodded and glanced around the room. A second later Yaser hit send then closed out the desktop. "Sorry about that. Some newbie lost some really important software for one of our biggest companies and I had to fix things. Sit sit. You want anything like scotch, bourbon, a beer? He questioned heading to his bar cart.

before he took his place at the seat across from Yasers, he was about to speak but was interrupted. "Oh that's right. I forgot you didn't drink. My apologies." The man said pouring a glass of straight scotch.

Deciding to get down to business Liam began. "So at the club you said you were sorry... how so."

With a slight inhale he turned and made his way back to the chair. "To be completely honest with you Liam I just want to tell you my thoughts about the contract." He said sitting down.

"Well I'm listening." Liam shook his leg. As less intense as Yaser was than his own father, he was still an intense man.

While Zayn had just began to listen in on them his best friend walked right up to him. Before he could even utter a word Zayn put his hand over his mouth dragging him to the next hall.

Harry's muffled cries soon ended when Zayn removed his hand with a quiet "SHH!"

"Why!?" Harry whisper yelled.

"My dad and Liam were going to start talking about the contract and I was going to listen until you came up!" Zayn whispered but yelled back.

"Maybe you shouldn't... what if it's serious?" His friend questioned.

"I'm literally one half of the contract. Why wouldn't I be involved in the conversation?" Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Well maybe he'll tell you if just ask him. You never know and you could try not avoiding each other." Harry said.

"We're not avoiding we've just been busy."
Zayn deflected.

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that. Anyways your moms looking for you." His friend stated then walked to the living room. With a sigh he looked back to the hall where his dad and Liam were and then turned to make his way in the same direction of Harry.

Meanwhile in the office "I do want you to know that it wasn't an easy decision for me. It took a bit to wrap my head around your father and my wife's decisions." He completed.

"Their decision?" Liam sat up in his seat curiously.

"Yes their decisions. It wasn't mine. In fact I hated the idea of it. It definitely took a toll on mine and Trishas marriage." The man said then took a swig of his drink.

At the assertion Liam grew even more curious. Knowing he didn't have a part in it as much as he thought took him back. "What happened then... what changed your mind."

"I had to do what was right for my son." Yaser folded his arms on top of his desk.

"Right for your son? How is dictating our lives and the future for us right?" Liam scoffed stuffing his hands deep in the pocket of his hoodie.

"Son I get your frustration. Trust me. It's what I felt when your father and my wife came to me with the proposal." He sighed. "When he was 15 an incident happened on one of his sets and it made me think of the contract. While yes, emotionally I don't think it's right... financially and substantially, it made sense."

The Contract Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang