Mistakes of up and down

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Aware of all the stares from the other models he responded. "Thank you!" with a smile. He didn't want the others to see how at war he was with himself.

"Can I steal you away?" the red haired man asked. All the other models beside Kendall and Gigi exchanged side glances due to Zayn now being with Liam.

With another glance to Kendall she sensed his worry. "I heard they finally brought us some food we should go see." She said causing the models to scram including her and Gigi since they needed alone time.

"Sure..." Zayn said running a hand through his hair as they moved to a lounge area. Everyone had already cleared backstage and moved to the adjacent after show event space.

"I'm really sorry KJ..." he frowned guiltily.

"Why couldn't you just say you were seeing him? I wouldn't have tried to kiss you Zayn. We're you guys fighting or on a break or something?" He questioned with a hint of hurt in his voice. Zayn felt horrible.

"No no it wasn't like that. It ju-" he said until he was cut off.

"So you were together..." he said abruptly.

"No... we weren't." He lowered his head ashamed.

"Then what are you Zayn?" KJ calmed his demeanor sighing while asking.

He tugged his lip aggressively. He hated that someone had to get caught in the crossfire of this. He couldn't lie to him. "Nothing. We're not together now and we weren't then... I'm going to tell you something but please you have to keep it to yourself." He breathed out.

"Okayyy?" He drug out questionably.

Zayn looked around to make sure no one was near. "I didn't mean to hurt or lead you on. I really enjoyed new years. It was the first time in forever I felt like I mattered, but me and Liam were never together. We signed a contract and well..." he looked to his comprehending face. This next part was going to sound so ridiculous. He sighed. "Basically we're to be married." He released.

After a moment of silence he looked to KJ's confused face. "I don't really l
know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything trust me. I get it. It's absurd. I just really didn't mean to get you caught up in all of this." He explained.

"Not the easiest way to get rejected but I understand." The man shrugged.

"You do?" Zayn said confused. "Really?"

KJ couldn't help but chuckle at Zayns face. "I do. Surprisingly. It explains a lot actually. Harry slipped and accidentally drunk told me right before you guys uhm kissed. Don't be mad at him though! I asked what was going on between you and Liam. I had noticed some things at the party and we'll yeah. It wasn't until you kissed that it just set in for me." He explained thoroughly.

With an eye roll Zayn tabled that thought and would come back to it. "Im going to slap him. Well to be fair I'm still sorry and what it's worth I really did enjoy our time together."

"Me too, and dont worry about it. Honestly I think you guys could potentially be something real. The way he looks at you says it all. Anyways I should probably go. Take care Zayn." He said as he hugged him one last time and left.

Watching him leave he couldn't help but shed a tear. He enjoyed that moment they shared, but deep down he wanted it with Liam. This situation between them was getting out of hand and for once he thought, Maybe the contract wasn't the problem. Could it be Liam and I?

Wiping the tear away he collected his thoughts and moved to the after party lounge. When he walked through the curtains people immediately congratulated him.

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