Venues and vacations

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It had been two months since Zayn moved in with Liam. Not much changed though, only Zayns address really since they always spent the night at one anothers before.

The model settled in easily as they both fell into a routine around each other. Liam would get up first around 5:30 AM then head out for an early run around the neighborhood. He followed it up with a short workout at the residences gym. After the session he went back to his place to start getting ready for his day, all while Zayn slept.

Around 6:45 AM Zayn would wake to a fully dressed Liam whispering goodbye lightly to him. He always arrived at the agency earlier than he did. After pecking his cheek Liam would leave and Zayn would fall back asleep.

He would sleep for another hour or hour and a half. Then he would get up to make his coffee, have a mini workout, clean if he needed to, then get ready to head out the house. Most of the times he didn't even have to go to the agency. He was very high in demand and went from one gig to another.

He always tried to meet with Liam for his lunch, but if sometimes he wouldn't respond, Liam knew his schedule so he would bring Zayns favorites to the sets. They would catch up about their mornings then either part ways or join one another depending on what the other had to do.

Occasionally they met with Niall to
Go over wedding details with their hired wedding planner. The man managed both of their socials and schedules as well. They found it crazy because both knew exactly how stressful their own lives were at times and couldn't believe Niall managed his, theirs, and multiple other celebrities. They offered to do wedding things on their own at times, but Niall insisted.

Today they found themselves venue searching again with Niall, Harry, and one of London's top luxury wedding planners, Matthew Oliver along with his team.

"Now keep in mind it is a temperature controlled conservatory so the cold won't be an issue." The planner said addressing them as they walked the path from the gardens.

"I mean it is different from the venues we've seen thus far, but I don't think a conservatory is what we've talked about?" Niall questioned for them.

In their previous meetings when a theme was brought up neither Zayn or Liam had a clue of what they specifically wanted. Wedding planning was a very new process to the both of them.

Although having tons of thoughts and dreams about it growing up, Zayn felt stumped when it came down to it. Liam on the other hand never thought about marriage not even when he was with Danielle.

"I know but trust me I think this is the one." He said as they turned the corner to a grand conservatory.

Zayn gasped. "The conservatory from Bridgerton!" He gripped Liam's hand excitedly.

"Yes! You said you liked the show so I went with that. Come on my team is inside we've put together a presentation." The man waved them to follow then proceeded after him.

They walked into the sun filled atrium where four more people greeted them. "This is Bertie my Husband, Georgia, and Ceri." He said motioning towards each of them as they waved.

"Hello." Liam smiled at the group.

"Hi!" Harry looked up from his phone looking back down.

"Nice to finally meet you all!" Niall pepped in

"Thank you all for coming." Zayn shook their hands. "

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