Under the mic

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Liam's interview came out Tuesday and the video was up the next day. Zayns interview was Friday which was now occupied with a morning lecture. Every term he had a different schedule.

Today was Thursday and he didn't have class. One thing he wasn't going to miss about university was getting use to his new classes every term.

He sat in his living room contemplating on watching the interview. Even though Niall told him to he wasn't sure if he was ready. Harry of course listened as soon as the interview started and he was begging him to watch the video.

He flipped his TV to YouTube and looked it up. Harry gave him strict orders to skip to the last ten minutes of the video so he did.

He took a deep breath then pushed play. As Liam retold his story he got the flashback. He had just turned 14 and Liam was 17 soon to be 18. It was the last winter holiday before Liam would be off to University.

After a long day on the slopes he was exhausted. He remembered drifting to sleep a little chilly. When the car came to a stop he woke and felt a warm embrace across his body. Opening his eyes he looked up to see Liam over him fast asleep lightly snoring. His hair was feathered across his forehead perfectly. He felt comfortable in the boys arms. Geoff yelled a loud "here" causing Liam to jolt up and say a "sorry" to him. After that the two resumed to their usual selfs.

Hearing the way Liam talked about it made his lips turn into a grin. He barely remembered the memory so it was surprising Liam did.

"He has these long eyelashes you can't help but stare at..." he heard as his heart skipped a beat. Then the picture came up on the screen. he couldn't help but smile as it showed then he shook his head. Niall must've told him to say that. He thought.

After the video ended his mind couldn't stop thinking of the memory. Zayn always had somewhat of a crush on him yeah but they were both so different. Plus Liam was older and in a relationship at the time. There was times he hoped there might even be a slight chance Liam would think of him other than his dads friends annoying son.

The next day after his usual coffee run with Harry, and lectures he found himself at the broadcasting studio. Niall greeted him with open arms. "Hey! Are you ready? Don't worry I told them they could ask about it at the beginning and the rest would be about your upcoming line, school, and such."

He nodded then headed on to the set. Greeting everyone in the room he took his place at the desk and put on his headset. He took another deep breath then exhaled trying to calm his nerves as the countdown began.

"Hey everyone Good afternoon it's Scott Mills and it's me and Zayn Malik hey Zayn!"

"Hello!" He grinned

"You alright?" The host asked

"Yeah I'm good thank you yeah!" He smiled. It was reassuring when he asked.

"Now have you ever done a radio show?" He questioned.

"Ummm no this is the first time I've done a radio show." He answered truthfully.

"Yeah you're a very high profile individual so you don't really do interviews often. Well I'm glad you came on the show!" He explained.

"No not even." He blushed. "Thank you for having me."

"Of course and I'm sure you've seen your now boyfriends interview already? So tell me are you glad it's finally out there? In all the videos from your birthday it looks like you two really couldn't wait to announce it to the world!" He asked.

at the word boyfriend he tugged his lip. This feeling was weird. Everyone believing it and him actually living through it. He took comfort as he glanced to Niall who shot a thumbs up so he continued with a smile. "Yeah um it just happened honestly. I guess throughout the years we didn't really think anything of it, but here recently we just started talking and yeah."

Niall tensed up a bit. His response was a little too broad and he knew they'd continue to ask questions to get it out of Zayn.

"So I know that him taking over his father's position really set you guys back back when did you start taking a liking towards him." He asked intrigued at what the models response would be.

Zayn glanced at Niall again and received a nod. He was biting his tongue because he didn't want the model to know he was nervous. Out of the two Zayn was more apprehensive than Liam.

"Umm... I think those feelings have uh always kinda been there. He's older than I am so growing up I just- I didn't want to say anything... it's quiet embarrassing aha." He laughed nervously.

"Yeah yeah of course. I liked this older girl and I told her and got laughed at so I get it! And how long has this been going on?" The host questioned.

"Since like late August." He said following Niall's outline.

"Wow so almost about six months. That is just amazing that you've both managed to keep it hidden that long. I know you'd been spotted together and everyone was speculating but now its real! Tell us what draws you to him other than he's a smashing dude. I mean he was London's most eligible bachelor now he's all yours!" He asked.

Niall got anxious because he could see Zayn growing more nervous. His eyes would find his and all he could do was offer his best reassuring smile.

Under the table he was holding his hands together clutching hard at them. "Umm I uh-" he said then looked to Niall for the hundredth time. "I-I know he has this rough exterior and he's made out to be a certain way but he's really... he's super caring. He has this warm embrace that just makes you feel safe you know? I just- yeah um that's it." He spoke finally controlling his anxiety.

"Look at you already getting flustered! Okay well we'll change subjects we don't need you getting all lovey dovey! Now you're one of the most recognizable male models in the industry right now. Tell us about your start." The host moved onto another subject.

After the brief introduction and questions about them the interview continued on. Zayn felt relieved and relaxed into the rest of the interview where talking about just himself was a breeze.

Niall let out a breath. It was interesting to see the two speaking so truthfully. He didn't include anything about their life growing up because of course, he didn't know it, so seeing them talk about their own memories was cute. Along with up keeping their public images he wondered if there was a way to just get the two to admit their feelings for one another.

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