Under one condition

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A freshly dressed Liam makes his way to his fathers office. After downing a quick breakfast he was running late.

He had a late night. No he didn't go home with someone, or get drunk. He went to a bar he visited quite often. He was stressed out and needed to talk.

It was quaint and a real hidden gem. No one ever bothered him there which he enjoyed. It was there he met his usual bartender Louis. The man really had some good knowledge to share with him. He was also the same age as Liam so they got along well which was rare for him. Obviously Liam didn't drink but Louis would make him some amazing virgin drinks. It was like therapy for him.

Liam began to grow nervous as he made his way up the elevator and to his fathers office door. His father contacted him the next morning so he could have a meeting with him. He was sure it was about his retirement.

Liam couldn't figure out if he was nervous, excited, scared or what. All he knew was this was a huge responsibility and why did his father give it to him so quickly.

As Liam walks though his fathers door he's met with the Maliks. He was taken back, but maybe it was just a meeting he had before hand. He looked at his Apple Watch just to be sure of the time.

"Ah Liam. Come in come in." Says Geoff with a wave of his hand.

"Sorry father I thought you said to meet you at 10 am. I can come back." Liam states.

"Actually Liam this concerns all of us." Trisha says as she stands up to lead Liam to sit down.

He looks to his father then to Yaser in confusion.

Zayns dad was not a very talkative guy. He was more of a show up, get the job done, and say the bare minimum.

"Sit" says Liams father. He obliges and takes a seat on the plush leather seat.

Trisha doesn't sit just stands next to Geoff on the opposite side of his fathers sleek wooden man desk. Yaser however was in the corner looking at emails on his phone.

"Now Liam as you know I made my announcement yesterday. I guess you're really surprised but trust me I've thought this through." Before he could finish he holds a hand up because he knows Liam is about to interject.

"Wait..." he states. Liam sinks back into his chair closing his mouth. "Yes I know I'm still too dashingly young to retire, Aha" he sneers, Trisha just laughs.

"However, I think it's time for you to step up as head of the company. Now. That being said. I don't trust you enough to give you full reign of this agency."

Liam absolutely shocked chokes on his own air. Then why was there a whole announcement and big deal about it last night?

"Uh father I'm not su-"

Liams father interrupts. "Liam. Hold on a second let me finish." He sighs. "As I was saying" he started to pull out magazines from his desk drawer. "This is what I'm concerned about."

As his father slaps cover upon cover down he starts to cringe. The words "NEW FLING OR NEW THING: LIAM PAYNE MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR" or "LONDONS HOTEST MALE SPOTTED WITH MODEL FROM FATHERS AGENCY: TROUBLE IN THE WORKPLACE?" Are displayed in bold letters along with pictures of him and numerous people.

You see, Liam never really cared about what the press said. His father did but he also never corrected his son on it just scolded him. He never thought it got to his father but apparently it did seeing as he saved all the articles.

Liam began to think this was an intervention but why were the Maliks here if that was the case.

"Does this seem like a headline for a CEO son?" His father says sternly.

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