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Happy New Year Everyone!!! Again thank you so much for reading this!!

Meanwhile, at the club, Liam carried on with the course occasionally exchanging banter with his father. The group would all look between each other confused. When they reached the final putting green all the gentleman walked back to the clubs lounge area to grab a drink.

Each person branched off to the billiard tables, bar, or TVs to watch the games that were on.

Liam found his way to the bar ordering only a tonic water and taking a seat. Soon Yaser pulled up a seat right next to him and ordered. Liam tensed up and took a big gulp of his non alcoholic beverage. He received his scotch neat and took a sip. Setting the drink down he eventually turned to Liam.

"How are you Liam?" Yaser asked patting his back.

Liam set his drink down then turned to the man. He wanted to give him and his father a piece of his mind but he knew causing a scene wasn't the best option. "As good as I can given the circumstances." He revealed.

"Trust me I understand you're mad. I would be too. I just want you to know I'm sorry." The older man said then continued before Liam could speak. "I'll see you at Christmas where we can talk more privately. Okay." Yaser motioned his eyes toward Geoff, who was glancing their way across the room, then walked away.

Liam avoided his fathers gaze and turned facing the bar again. He took the last sip of his tonic then sighed. A nice big shot of whiskey sounded good at moment. He hadn't been this stressed since his final year in university.

Every year the Payne's and Maliks had Christmas Eve together. The families always altered between the households and this year it would be at the Maliks. Christmas Day they spent it with their individual families but both Liam and Zayn didn't even know how they'd even get through this let alone their own.

After some chats with the other men he decided it was his time to go. He said his goodbyes then left. Before getting in the car he received a message from Zayn.

Zayn: left with Harry.

Sent 12:42 PM

He reads the message then drove toward his place. Luckily I grabbed everything I needed before leaving, he thought himself.

Monday came and as promised Niall had sent over documents to the two regarding their plan. It was pretty straight forward and was very detailed. Mostly it came down to a general time frame of how it would work but if either of the two wanted to pick up the pace or slow down Niall was open for discussion.

Both read them separately and agreed. Niall scheduled a meeting after The holidays because he would be visiting family in Ireland and wouldn't be back till the new year. He did leave them with the task of going out in public here and there before then.

With the picture of them circulating, so many blogs, sites, and gossip channels wanted interviews with either of the two. Niall opposed to speaking with any form of media for the time being.

The rest of the week leading up to Christmas Eve went by fast. Liam and Zayn hadn't spoken to each other since that Saturday night. It was obvious they were avoiding each other.

Even in the couple of work days before Christmas, Zayn was at Louis Vuitton constantly, and Liam working tirelessly since fashion week was coming up and brands are booking models left and right.

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