In enemy territories

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"No I haven't..." Zayn says blankly.

Liam doesn't say anything just nods. The two sit in silence for what felt like an eternity. The older one out of the two didn't know what to say. He was thinking even if he asked why, was he prepared for Zayn's answer?

Zayn on the other hand had so much to say but it couldn't leave his lips.

After a few minutes Liam spits out "Why?"

"I stormed out on my parents and didn't get to read it." Zayn says truthfully. His parents never talked to him like that so he was really caught off guard by all of it.

"Right..." Liam drags out unsure of what to say next.

He scared himself at how much of a loss for words he was. Usually he always barked back if it wasn't going his way, but this time was different.

Not just his but Zayn's life was going to change if they did or didn't sign the contract and something deep down in him felt SLIGHTLY sorry for the model.

"Look" Zayn pauses hesitantly, "I know we've had our differences, and you might hate me for this but I can't- I can't just sign it." He breathes out his voice breaking in the process.

Liam gets irritated because Zayn doesn't know what's at stake for both of them.

Liam read the whole contract the second he got to his place after his fathers meeting with him. As much as he wanted to burn the damn papers he took a glance once or twice through.

"Maybe try reading the contract before you act on an irrational decision." He spits out toward the model. He pulls his briefcase out, reaches for the papers, then slides them Zayn's way.

"When did you- never mind. I'm not reading them. I already said my answer Liam." Zayn questions at first wanting to know when Liam brought in his briefcase, but then raises his voice.

"You're a fucking brat you know that. Always having shit your way. Did you maybe stop and think that my career is on the line as well? No because you're a brat!" Liam shouts.

By then Zayn was confused. How was he the brat when Liam would literally throw fits when something didn't go his way. He was the one notorious for the famous headline "LONDONS MOST ELIGIBLE LASHES OUT AT FATHERS PROMOTIONAL EVENT FOR WRONG DISH?! HORS D'OEUVRE OR OH NO?" Zayn wishes he was kidding but this headline happened recently.

"I'm the brat... right because I'm the one that almost punched a server for bringing out the wrong appetizer to you." Zayn scoffs and slides the papers back to Liams way.

You'd think the two were married at how they were arguing but then again they'd be married soon so guess it's now or never.

"Oh fuck off. You're the one who has a team of 8 people to style you in a fucking white shirt and jeans." Liam tried to retort. While catching the papers.

In disbelief Zayn blinks. "Because I'm a model... that's what models do when they prepare for a shoot you dipshit. It's not like I have a say in what I wear for a photoshoot or campaign."

"Whatever. Not all of us can be as "perfect as Zayn."Liam air quotes as he rolls his eyes.

With a quirk of his brow Zayn is about to question why Liam said the statement, but is interrupted by the sound of the front door handle and some keys jiggling.

They were sitting at the dining table across from each other. Zayn being in the line of sight from The front door grew concerned. Who could be at his door at this time at night since it was almost midnight?

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