Weight of the world

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The following morning Liam woke first. He checked the time then cursed lowly. Looking to his right he found a sleeping Zayn cuddled at his side all of last nights memories flooded his brain. He knew they shouldn't have but he also didn't necessarily regret it.

It was Sunday and every week Liam met his father and his fathers longtime friends for early golf at the gentleman's club. He hadn't gone the last couple of weeks because he wanted to avoid his father since they signed the contract. In fact even Zayns father Yaser would be there.

It was a bit colder than the day before so the clothes he had would not be suitable for the day or occasion. He was already a bit of ways away from his home let alone the club so he tossed his head back.

Zayn felt the sudden motion then jerked in his sleep and turned over releasing Liam. He took a second to make sure the model was sound asleep then slowly attempted to get out from under the sheets. He dressed quietly then made his way out the door.

He reached his vehicle then shot Zayn a text explaining where he went. He didn't want him to wake up and start worrying or something. Never had he ever done so. Usually he just left with no explanation but because he knew he'd have to see Zayn sooner rather than never again he felt the need to. Usually the people he'd gotten with never saw him again after.

He drove in the early morning moments just before sunrise. He changed into some winter golf clothes then headed towards the club. Thinking about having to talk with his Father plus Yaser made him uneasy. It was because of them he was now more confused than ever. What were him and Zayn?

He arrived at the club then sighed. Putting on his business face he braved into the club. Usually the gentleman all had breakfast before going to the range. He walked in the dining hall to find his fathers group deep in conversations. "Hello gentleman." Liam approaches the table.

The group all cheered at Liam for attending since he was absent the past weeks before. He sat down at the space between Geoff and Yaser and began filling his plate the group settling back into their separate conversations

"Glad you could join. Been busy?" Liams father stated patting his son on the back.

Liam grew annoyed. "Don't you know. I heard you had people keeping tabs." Liam kept his voice below a whisper.

"Come on son it's not like you think. I'm just making sure things are smooth for the company." He takes a sip of his coffee.

Liam scoffs. "Did it ever occur to you that theres more than just the company. This is my actual life." He said still at a whisper.

Yaser started to pick up the conversation between the two. He too hadn't talked to his son recently but he knew him. Zayn would talk when he was ready.

He'd been friends with Geoff for a long time and he respected him, but ultimately this decision was thought up by him and Trisha. Yaser didn't agree with it at first and it caused some arguments between the married couple.

It was when his eldest Doniya began modeling that he saw how the industry really was then soon after Zayn followed. Trisha would always tell him how cut throat and corrupt it was. Of course he didn't understand fully until he had to protect his own kids.

He became a "dadager" people called him. He was often compared to Kris Jenner because even though he was the CEO of a major software company he always attended every set, fitting, shoot, meeting, and event when it came to his kids. Naturally he fell into the roll of managing all the aspects of their careers.

He had put the thought of that contract in the back of his mind until one day when Zayn had an incident on the set of a shoot. Learning of the news he saw to it himself this person had to pay so he took care of him. Then he hired the best lawyers money could buy.

After that he felt like he failed his son. Zayn was different after and it tore him apart. The boy himself said he wanted to quit modeling even though it was something he loved. After that He and Trisha discussed the contract.

Even though this meant Zayn giving up his life he only wanted him to be secure in the future. Being a partial owner of a company ensured it plus his safety.

Yaser shook the memory from his head not wanting to revisit it. He continued to listen to the conversation next to him.

"Liam I really advise you to drop it. Now is not the time." Geoff whispered with a stern tone.

Liam turned to his plate then continued to eat. Yaser chose to not say anything yet. He knew Liam was still processing things too. The rest of the time carried on as usual although this time Liam and Geoff kept their words to a minimum when speaking.

Meanwhile a sleeping Zayn began stirring awake. He opened his eyes then looked next to him. The bed was empty. He fell back gripping at his hair. He really slept with Liam again.

He grabbed his phone and saw the time. 9:56 AM. He really slept all night. He then sees an unread message from Liam.

Liam: Good Morning. I didn't want to wake you but I left to golf. See you later on.

Sent 7:25

Reading the message he let out a sigh. What was he even doing? For as long as he could remember his life was so straight forward and suddenly everything was a mess and it scared him. He also knew his dad always attended the club so he wondered how that was going and if they've said a word to each other.

It's been weeks since him and his parents talked but he would see them on Christmas Eve so he was anxious to see how it would turn out.

He finally gets up and heads to the shower. Fortunately today was another off day. He washed off then got dressed in comfy clothes then walked downstairs to make his morning coffee.

After making himself a quick breakfast he sat at the table wrapping all the gifts. As he sat there he heard the front door knob turning knowing exactly who it was.

"Okay Malik. Explain. What's going on?" He sits in front of him.

Setting the pair of scissors down he groans. It was only a matter of time before Harry asked. Yesterday Harry knew there was something his friend wasn't telling him.

"Well hi good morning Harry. I'm having a wonderful morning thanks for asking." Zayn sarcastically says.

"No you're not getting out of it that easy now spill it." Harry crossed his hands giving his friend a stern look.

"You have to promise to please not say I told you so."

"I mean I thought we already established that I do always tell you. So I thought it was a given."

Zayn just rolls his eyes. Getting a bit more serious in his tone he let out a long breath. "The other night I went to Liams to discuss some things. We ate and then talked for a bit but things got heated and he uh... well he um... kissed me." Zayn struggled to say the last part because honestly he still couldn't believe it.

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