Spring breakers

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Zayn had been to LA tons of times for work but this time he was on spring break with nothing lined up. Just him, Harry, and a whole week to themselves.

Sometimes he didn't like going because back in London he had the occasional fan, and paparazzi, but in LA he was bombarded by tourists and heaps of paparazzi.

"Harry wake up." Zayn said as they landed. He never understood how soundly his friend slept through landing. He shot Liam a text and received one back instantly. "Glad you made it safely. Goodnight Z🤍" he read and smiled down at the message.

Through the past month he had fallen harder for Liam. It was like he was a completely different person with him. While he still held a very serious persona, when they were together he flipped and turned into a softie.

He earned a grunt from Harry as the pilot came on the overhead. "Next time I'm personally going to fly your dads private jet." His friend said wiping his eyes.

He hardly used it since he moved out from his parents, besides the couple of family trips they had. He didn't like asking to use the jet. He always opted to just get first class seats in a regular airline even though his parents insisted.

"Dude we're in first class" Zayn said packing his backpack he alway took on trips.

"Yeah but your dads jet is like first first class. These seats just recline. The ones on yours actually turns into a bed." Harry pouted following suit. "Ugh what time is it?"

"Almost midnight here." Zayn said standing up.

"Great. It's going to take like three days to adjust to the time and recover from jet lag." Harry rolled his eye gathering his belongings and fell in line with Zayn to exit the plane.

"You're the one that wanted to come here." Zayn let out joking scoff.

They exit the aircraft, picked up their luggage, and found their private driver. Zayn would've gotten an uber but Liam actually arranged it all for him. He was trying to tell him he didn't need one but Liam too, insisted for his protection. The man also hired a couple of security guards for them because he's had his fair share of LA visits and they weren't always pleasant.

"You know I can get use to all these Liam accommodations." Harry touched the paneling in the back seat.

"Harry you act like your parents don't have private drivers." Zayn said setting his book down for a second.

"Well yeah but Liam really doesn't spare any expense... Is that a book? Seriously Zayn we're on spring break!"  Harry tilted his head at him.

"It's for my 17th century literature course! I have to write a paper like I'm from that era and I figured I'd get ahead." He said focusing on the page again.

"Zayn this is your last spring break as a university student. Every spring break we've had, you always worked so I think you owe it to yourself to enjoy this one. Plus we're about to graduate. How far ahead can you get."

Zayn sighed. "I guess you're right."

"Of course I am. Ooo we should go to that one place all those YouTubers and influencers hang out! It's only 12!" Harry excitedly bounced in his seat because it was the Saturday before spring break officially started and that meant full blown party scene.

"You can... I'm exhausted. I was awake the whole time." Zayn said still reading the lines.

"You stayed awake!" Harry gasped.

"Yeah I was reading." Zayn looked to his friend who rolled his eyes.

They pulled up to their hotel and checked in. The hauled their luggage up and to their suite followed by the security guard to stand watch outside the door. Zayn thought if it was a little extreme but he couldn't change Liam's mind.

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