Sneaky link?

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A couple weeks after Liam and Zayn signed the contract the two were busier than ever.

After classes if Zayn had them that day he'd head to the agency to go over some company logistics with Liam. After that he would attend fittings, photoshoots, events, and errands.

His campaign with Louis Vuitton was taking the majority of his time. Zayns been overseeing every aspect and detail of his collection with them. When a model starts their own line it's a pretty big deal let alone collaborating with one of the worlds most exclusive luxury fashion brands.

On some days he didn't have class he would sleep in. He tried to not have meetings and errands on those days so he had time to relax.

The two still didn't talk much. The car rides were still silent. The most they talked was when Liam was going over company matters with him in his new office

Zayn and Harry had also been studying hard since they had finals this week. Today was Friday which luckily for Zayn meant the semester was over with and he was on break. He was exhausted and all he wanted was to stay in.

He was comfortably watching his Netflix shows when he heard his phone go off. With a groan he knew it was Liam. This was the exact time he let out for lunch and would come for him.

After the past week he's had he couldn't do it.

Liam: Ready?
Zayn: is it okay if we skip today? 🤔
Liam: For?

Zayn rolled his eyes. One thing Zayn could not stand was short replies. Especially without an emoji to emphasize how the response was meant to sound. Liam was such a brick wall.

Zayn: I had finals this week but now they're over and I just want to stay in today. 😓
Liam: No we still need to keep up appearances.

Did Liam really just tell him no? Annoyed he starts typing furiously.

Zayn: I think the press can go a day or two without us trying to shove this down their throats.
Liam: Are you really going to fight me on this?
Zayn: I'm not trying to fight you Liam. All I want is a relaxing day.
Liam: Some of us don't even get a relax day. How hard is it to show up to places and look pretty?

With a gasp Zayn doesn't know whether to be offended by the lack of realization of how much he actually does or thank him for the compliment on his appearance.

Zayn: Very hard actually. I'm taking today for myself bye. ✌🏼

As he exits the screen he catches a glimpse of the typing bubble that popped up. He knew Liam would probably respond with a long paragraph so with that he puts his phone on do not disturb. After tossing his phone somewhere on the bed he tunes into his show. Right now he's watching Wednesday for the fifth time and he loves it.

Halfway through an episode he hears a knock at the front door. Usually if Harry were to come over he'd just let himself in. He also wasn't expecting anyone so who was it? With another long groan he pauses the show then he tosses his shirt over his head and makes his was downstairs toward the door.

"Coming." He raises his voice. Without looking through the peep hole he swings the door open. A rough but deep "Seriously" comes out of the persons mouth then Zayn sighs as he makes out who's in the frame.

"Ive been calling and texting you. Why didn't you answer?" Liam barges in.

"Maybe because I told you I didn't want to go out today." Zayn retorts back with an eye roll.

"You're impossible." Liam shakes his head.

"ME!?" Zayn questions definitely annoyed now. "How am I Impossible when you're the one that thinks time revolves around you! I have a whole separate life you know."

"I do too but I still make time for things."

"Oh piss off." Zayn turns to slam the door in his face. Aggressively Liam stops the door.

"You really were just going to slam the door in my face?" He asks.

"Yeah. Don't come here acting like the boss of me." Zayn saunters away and heads upstairs.

Without even thinking Liam follows him.

"I'm not I'm just saying if we get complacent people might start to wonder." He groans out.

Stopping at the steps Zayn turns around. "It's ONE Day Liam relax." He pleads out and starts up the steps again.

The sudden change in volume of Zayns voice made Him jump a little. "That doesn't mean shit. You know how the media is."

"I don't care! I think they could handle a day or two without knowing our exact moves and whereabouts. Also why the hell are you still following me I didn't say you could come in." Zayn grows annoyed as he plops on his bed.

"Because we need to talk about it. This affects both of our lives now." Liam stops at the doorway.

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm not going out at all today." Zayn shrugs.

Liam leans on the wall with a big sigh. He slowing started to lose his patience. "Okay we'll how about dinner?"

"No." Zayn causally says as he flips through his tv.

"OH MY-" Liam stops to collect himself. Zayns brattiness was coming out and it was frustrating for him. The only reason he was stressing was because he knew his father would be keeping tabs on them. If anything seems questionable his dad could pull the plug.

Liam and his mother Karen were pretty close. After he and Zayn signed the contract he took his mother out for dinner the next day and asked her if she knew about the contract. She confessed that sadly she did and she tried to do everything to talk him out of it. Unfortunately Liams father is a stern and stubborn individual.

After discussing things Liam wanted to hate his father, but he just knew that arrangements like this are common for business entrepreneurs. After all they say marriage is just a business transaction. She then proceeded to tell him how Geoff had people keeping up with current headlines, photos, and updates about them.

"Annoyed much? Yeah same because you keep bugging me. Well go do something tomorrow Jeez."

With deep breaths Liam clears his head. "Fine. I'll be here tomorrow at noon for lunch then. He turns and makes his way downstairs.

"K." Zayn says With another eye roll then focuses back on the tv.

Liam reaches the bottom level then shoots for the exit. With the yelling, tension, and frustration making him a bit warm he combed through his perfect hair and began fidgeting with his tie.

As he flung open the door he's met with none other than Zayns best friend.

"Harold." He says blankly then leaves.

The only thing Harry noticed was how disheveled Liam looked which then made him put two and two together. He's never ran and darted up the steps so fast.

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