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"I'm Niall." He says and reaches for Liams hand. He looked to be around his or Liams age. He was surprised someone that young had tons of celebrity clients under his belt and ones he was working with now.

"You as well! Thanks for keeping my mate in line." Liam laughs. Zayn just stands behind him still. Liam quickly glances at him. "And this is Zayn.

"Of course London's own sweetheart! Nice to meet you." Niall moves to Zayn.

"Why thank you! The pleasures all mine." Zayn says confidently his "meeting voice." Coming out as Harry called it.

"Come in come in!" His Irish accent getting thicker by every word. The two sit on the couch across from Nialls chair. "Okay so before we start the reason I have a couch and not separate seats is because I work mostly with couples. Eds the exception so you two scoot closer together." He motions with his fingers.

Liam and Zayn look at each other hesitantly then scoot together so their thighs touch. There went Zayns heart picking back up again. Liam just clasped his together.

"There we go not so bad. So what's your story." Niall asks poking at his glasses.

"Well..." Liam looks to Zayn seeing if he would speak up. Zayn was glancing down though so he continued. "Basically were in a contract. We have to get married and just don't know how to get to that point without it seeming fake I guess." Liam says I'm more of a questionable tone.

"Okay so a typical showmance. Gotcha. So you two aren't together at all?" He asks the two taking in how far apart they say from each other at first.

"No!" They both say in unison looking at each other then quickly away. "No were not." Zayn follows up.

"How about dating. Are either of you seeing other people?" Niall questions lifting his brow earning another unison "no" from the two. "Okay good good. Makes things easier." He says writing down some notes. "So from what I'm seeing there's not really much chemistry here so we're going to have a lot of work to do." He points between them. "Ultimately you guys need to sell it that this relationship is real. You cant just pick up and say "we're getting married" I mean you could but it would look bad for the both of you. Now I've read up and seen your individual media presences and Liam I think this would benefit you more seeing as this could be your redemption. Everyone loves a good Billionaire bad boy gone soft story. Zayn you'll still get the exposure but with a more personal touch. From what I've seen your presence is good but all people think of models as just their editorials or their runway walks, so they see you as very monotone. Id like to break that narrative and open up a new side that people don't see."

He really just called them out they both thought. Zayn and Liam just nodded too stunned at the amount of information Niall was throwing at them.

"How about timeline? Does this contract have a deadline?" He asks again.

"Not really a deadline no but we do want to act as quick as possible without setting off any alarms you know?" Liam explains.

"Yes of course the media loves to find anything they can. Okay so I think I have enough to work with here." He sets his pen down. "I'm thinking about a year give or take. Since it's just right before Christmas I would officially announce you guys "dating" sometime in January. I would say New Years but I also want you guys to get in a couple more sightings together before then. Luckily your families have always been close to one another so we don't have to drag out the "seeing each other phase" most celebrities have to go through when they come to us."

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