chapter 35

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 At this moment, Zhuang Hongwen had already forgotten that he was about to say goodbye and leave just now, and he didn't even know how he shook hands with the goddess. I just feel that my hands are still a little sweaty because of nervousness, and I am secretly annoyed that I have behaved so impolitely when meeting the girl I like for the first time.

Hearing that the hostess asked him to stay, the young man sat down obediently. Seeing the graceful figure of the other party, he swallowed his saliva, and wanted to say something to Mu Yaqin, but he didn't know how to say it.

Although Zhuang Hongwen lived to the age of twenty-five or sixteen, he has never had a girlfriend. When I was young, I had no money and was not enlightened. When I grew up, I was able to make money from my favorite business and basically lived in a house.

Even women are rarely seen on weekdays, and it is almost a one-stop delivery service. He is a master who is addicted to the Internet and can't extricate himself. How can he have the opportunity to meet any girls.

So Leng Buding suddenly met the heroine who made him so tempted, and he felt a little dumbfounded, not to mention striking up a conversation, and chatting became a problem.

At the dinner table, the young man ate the food in the bowl, but felt that he could not taste the food. The goddess next to him would talk to him from time to time, but Zhuang Hongwen still felt dazed about how to answer.

Mu Jin on the side looked at a man and a woman sitting across from him and raised his eyebrows, thinking it seemed interesting.

Zhuang Hongwen is indeed a top-notch existence in the circle, and he is not only good at finding loopholes in these corporate networks. He is not interested in some media operations, but he is very good at making games.

In addition to being the backbone of Mu Jin's team, he also has his own game studio. The word-of-mouth of the game produced is very good, and the wealth accumulated over the years is definitely a lot.

More importantly, through this period of contact, Mu Jin knew that the other party had a good character.

Although she looks a little tender, and her clothes are somewhat two-dimensional, but you can't judge people by their appearance. After all, through contact with him, Mu Jin felt that Zhuang Hongwen was actually a very responsible person.

And now it seems obvious that this person is interested in Mu Yaqin, if he is willing to seriously pursue the heroine, I don't mind helping him.

In the days that followed, Zhuang Hongwen came to Mujin's home to report almost every day. Although Leng Xiao disliked him very much at first, he soon realized that this kid had no interest in Xiao Jin at all. Instead, every time he saw Mu Yaqin, he hesitated and looked very shy.

Thinking that if Mu Yaqin can have a good relationship partner, he and Xiaojin will have more time together.

What's more, if Xiaojin's sister really has her own happiness, her baby can feel at ease, and maybe she will follow her willingly to leave the Mu family.

Only then did his attitude towards Zhuang Hongwen get better, at least he wasn't cold-faced in front of him, and he didn't resist him coming to Mu's house so much.

After Zhuang Hongwen came here for a few days, he almost felt the pattern, and he was too embarrassed to bother him at night. Knowing that Mu Yaqin would go home every noon, she stayed here and waited for lunch.

The heroine had been informed by Mu Jin a long time ago that she had formed a team on the Internet, and she has always maintained an attitude of supporting her younger brother.

Especially now that the team's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, although Mu-style enterprises are not very involved in Internet business, but Mu Yaqin has also heard about the name of Wuying, and feels even more proud in her heart.

Knowing that the young man who often comes to the house is a key member of his baby brother's team and a rare friend of Mu Jin, so she, the older sister, naturally needs to treat her well.

So every day, I deliberately bring some more food back from the company, and sometimes I cook the dishes myself.

However, the hostess was surprised when she learned that Zhuang Hongwen was twenty-six years old, only one year younger than herself.

After all, she always thought that the other party and Mu Jin were the same age, and only thought that the other party was a tall boy.

Seeing him wolfing down the dark food in front of him, and even blushing, Zhuang Hongwen praised his sister for her excellent cooking skills. Mu Jin couldn't help sighing in his heart, indeed, he was full of love and drinking water.

This kind of love can not only allow people to bring their own filters, but also change people's sense of taste!

This kid will not go to the hospital to get rid of his sense of taste in order to chase the heroine!

So, there was an extra person for the lunch of three people . Mu Yaqin, who was always unable to get in between Mu Jin and Leng Xiao, was very happy, finally she was not alone at the dinner table.

Even if four people form a boundary in pairs, the atmosphere is more harmonious than before.

As Mu Jin's condition improved and the team became famous again, Mu Yaqin also became interested in the Internet.

In recent years, wooden style has been expanding other industries. Thinking that Mu Jin is so good at it and earns a lot of money, Mu Yaqin also thought about it, but she didn't know where to start.

I feel that young people are very interested in online games recently, and it seems to be a profitable business. Mu Yaqin also wanted to find a related project or company for investment cooperation, so she mentioned this matter to Mu Jin at the dinner table.

Mu Jin heard the heroine's thoughts, and hurriedly recommended to the other party: "Sister, if Mu Shi intends to invest in online games, you can consult old A. I am not good at this, but old A is good at it." Expert. He founded Shengheng Game Studio, which has a good reputation in the past two years."

"Isn't Hongwen from your team? Hongwen.

Hearing Mu Jin's words, the young man regained his spirit immediately, and gave Mu Jin a grateful glance.

Mu Yaqin hurriedly turned to the side and explained: "Many people in our team have side jobs. In addition to my work in the Wufei team, I am also very interested in game production. I established my own work with my friends a few years ago. room."

"I have produced a few games before, and the word-of-mouth response is not bad, and the profitability is also good. At first, it was a small business, but I didn't expect some companies to inject capital into us later, and it gradually became bigger."

"Of course, there are also large-scale games. The company wanted to acquire us. But we wanted to make truly sophisticated and excellent works, and we didn't want to make rough games for quick money, so we refused."

Mu Yaqin immediately became interested when he heard Zhuang Hongwen's words, and the two of them started working again. Chatted in depth for a while. Although the hostess didn't know much about this area of ​​expertise, he believed in Mu Jin's vision.

In particular, Zhuang Hongwen talked about his studio endlessly, and many ideas moved the heroine very much. I never thought that this shy boy with a baby face would have such a serious and professional side.

In the afternoon, Mu Yaqin didn't go back to the company, but went to visit Zhuang Hongwen's studio. Knowing that they were preparing a large-scale game, they immediately expressed their desire to cooperate.

Zhuang Hongwen naturally wished for it, because the game they are currently preparing is very innovative in terms of gameplay and theme. Although the game they made before has a good reputation, no company is willing to take this risk.

Adhering to a responsible attitude, Zhuang Hongwen naturally told Mu Yaqin about the situation, which actually won the heroine's favor even more, and the two quickly reached a cooperation.

Having won the trust of his goddess, Zhuang Hongwen was very excited. Immediately said that if there is any need for the wooden style in the future, you can just ask.

In the future, the companies under Mushi can hand over to him any network maintenance that needs to be done, as an additional service.

Mu Yaqin heard from Mu Jin and knew that Zhuang Hongwen's strength in the industry was top-notch. Since he offered to maintain the network operation for their company, which is something no one else can ask for, he naturally readily agreed.

For this reason, Mu Yaqin specially reserved an office for Zhuang Hongwen in his office building as the director of network operations. It is said that he is not needed to come to work, but there must be a place for him.

Zhuang Hongwen saw that the heroine valued him so much, so he worked harder on the game production. It only took a few months to complete the game and start to put it on the market.

It has to be said that Zhuang Hongwen has a full vision in game development, which even Mu Jin can't match him.

Everything was as expected by the young man, because of the studio's multi-faceted research and the team's excellent production, the game became popular in the entire h country as soon as it was launched.

This game has successfully made the Mu family a fortune, and the reputation of Shengheng Game Studio has been completely established.

It is precisely because of this cooperation that Zhuang Hongwen and Mu Yaqin have become more and more familiar, and the two have become friends now. Although Zhuang Hongwen still felt shy when facing Mu Yaqin, he was able to talk and laugh occasionally, and his mood relaxed a lot.

Mu Jin paid attention to the interaction between Zhuang Hongwen and Mu Yaqin, and became a melon-eating crowd with peace of mind. I didn't deliberately promote the relationship between the two people. After all, it's good to proceed step by step.

Time passed quickly, and with the help of Mu Jin behind him, Mu Shi also developed better and better. At this time, the invitation letter for the annual business banquet was also sent to Mu Yaqin.

But what surprised the heroine was that Mu Jin's mailbox also received the electronic version of the invitation letter. After all, there are too few people who know Mu Jin's true identity.

On the day of the banquet, prominent figures in the business world and upstarts from various industries will be invited. Everyone drinks and chats, gets to know each other, and expands contacts. It was a tradition first initiated by a family of merchants in country h.

The rise of Mujin's team is naturally the best among all. Whether it is in cooperation with enterprises or guidance of public opinion, it has a wide range of operations in all aspects, and the profits it gets cannot be underestimated. It is reasonable to be invited.

Many people are eager to see this team that emerged out of nowhere, and what their leader looks like.

After Mu Yaqin learned about it, she asked Mu Jin tentatively if she wanted to attend the banquet. Mu Jin saw the anticipation in the eyes of the hostess, and nodded to her sister. He is very happy to satisfy the other party for this little wish.

Moreover, it is possible to go to this banquet with your partner, so Mu Jin naturally wants to take Leng Xiao with her. Of course, Leng Xiao himself also has this qualification.

And Mu Yaqin thought it was too annoying to meet a scumbag like Xie Boyan before and was entangled for a long time, so she called Zhuang Hongwen and hoped that the other party could pretend to be her boyfriend to accompany her to attend the meeting, so as to avoid some troubles.

When Zhuang Hongwen received the call, he naturally agreed without thinking about it. After Mu Jin learned about it, she said that she would go separately from her sister, saying that she also hoped to be able to deal with such an occasion independently. In fact, it was also to create more opportunities for Mu Yaqin and Zhuang Hongwen.

I just hope that this kid can take this opportunity to express himself well in front of the heroine.

Such banquets have always been hosted by prestigious families in turn. This year it happened to be the turn of the Leng family, but Leng Xiao directly left it to his subordinates to handle it.

After all, he is not interested in hosting a banquet at all, so he might as well spend more time with his baby if he has time.

When Mu Yaqin heard that Mu Jin said that she wanted to break through herself, she was comforted in her heart. Although she was worried, she still chose to support her younger brother's decision. So when Zhuang Hongwen came to the house and found that he and Mu Yaqin were alone, he felt even more nervous.

Mu Yaqin stared at Zhuang Hongwen, who usually dressed casually, in a formal suit and glasses, and was stunned.

The young man's curly yellow hair was straightened and dyed back to black. The other party's facial features were soft and tall, and wearing glasses even added some elegance, making him look a lot more mature than usual.

Couldn't help showing a surprised expression, Mu Yaqin felt that Zhuang Hongwen in front of him looked really handsome.

At this moment, Zhuang Hongwen actually froze the moment he saw Mu Yaqin. Looking at Mu Yaqin in a water-blue dress, he felt that she was as perfect as a goddess.

Although the heroine's appearance is gorgeous, her temperament is a bit cold. Wearing such a color on her body looks like a flower of kaolin. The confused Zhuang Hongwen was at a loss for a while.

Seeing the sweet smile on Mu Yaqin's face, the young man's face flushed red.

After trying hard to calm down her heartbeat, she stammered to the hostess: "Mu, Miss Mu. Can I go?"

Mu Yaqin smiled and nodded when she heard the words, and took Zhuang Hongwen's arm gracefully. This made Zhuang Hongwen couldn't help being excited, after all, this was the first time they had such an intimate contact in such a long time.

Moreover, his current identity is still Miss Mu's boyfriend. Although he is pretending, it still makes the young man feel happy.

The heights of the two matched, and after Zhuang Hongwen dressed up specially, standing together was quite eye-catching.

Especially because the young man likes Mu Yaqin in his heart, when he looks at the heroine, his eyes inadvertently reveal tenderness and admiration. At first glance, no one will suspect that they are not a couple.

After Mu Yaqin and Zhuang Hongwen left, Mu Jin mysteriously returned to his room. He took out the dress of the same style as Leng Xiao's that had been secretly customized before, and touched it happily, hoping to surprise Leng Xiao when he came back.

Mu Jin already knew about the fact that the Leng family was in charge of hosting the banquet this time through 003, but he pretended not to know if his lover didn't take the initiative to reveal his identity.

So when the man said that he had some things to deal with today and that he would come back later to pick him up later, Mu Jin didn't object, but thought that the other party might be dealing with banquet matters.

But in fact, today is the day for men to receive treatment.

The condition of the brain lesion is better than the doctor expected, but there are still signs of uncontrollable spread.

Leng Xiao could feel that his emotions were becoming more and more out of control recently, he often felt very irritable, and his headaches became more and more frequent.

I always feel that the pills in my hand are no longer able to suppress my illness as much as the ones I took at the beginning. Thinking of this, the man's eyes became darker and darker.

What made it even more difficult for him to accept was that the experts told him just now that although the slow pace of the disease may allow him to live longer than ten years, due to the impact of the disease, he will become more and more unable to control his emotions.

Depression, violence, irritability, will follow. The worst result is that he will go crazy and even hurt the people around him.

Such a result was totally unexpected by the man, he wanted to stay by Mu Jin's side for ten years in peace. Even if it is less than ten years, he still wants to selfishly occupy his beloved for a while longer, and it is good to let the other party accompany him to the last moment.

But now, if his situation really developed as the experts said. One day he would go crazy and even fail to recognize people, so would he hurt Xiao Jin without him knowing.

Leng Xiao didn't want to gamble, let alone dare to gamble, so he could only force himself to calm down.

It seems that all plans have to be carried out in advance, and his time is getting less and less, so he must arrange Mu Jin in advance.

He wants to leave the best for his baby, to make him never forget himself, and to make sure that he won't get hurt in the slightest.

Knowing that today is Mu Jin's first public appearance in front of everyone, Leng Xiao took a deep breath to calm down the sadness in his heart. Someone brought the custom-made dress back to Mu's house.

Then before the door opened, she completely concealed her emotions, hugged Mu Jin gently in her arms as usual, and kissed his forehead.

"Has the matter been dealt with?" Mu Jin smiled sweetly at Leng Xiao.

The man nodded when he heard the words, and his eyes softened when he saw the smile of his sweetheart.

The little guy's condition is getting better and better, he is becoming more and more lively and cheerful, and he is no longer the one who can't express his emotions well because of his autism.

Holding the dress in his hand in front of Mu Jin, Leng Xiao said softly: "This is the banquet dress I chose, shall we wear this at that time? Our dress styles are the same. Xiao Jin, will you Do you mind?"

Leng Xiao knew that now that Mu Jin's condition had completely returned to normal, he should be able to understand what he wanted to express. If they actually wore the same dress to the banquet, it would undoubtedly be a publicity of their relationship.

So when he asked Mu Jin, he couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive, and his eyes were fixed on Mu Jin. It's just that the other party has been stunned and silent, and the man's heart has also become heavier and heavier.

Immediately afterwards, the little guy seemed to have thought of something, turned around suddenly, and quickly ran back into the room.

Have you been rejected?

The man clenched his fists, a little unwilling to believe his sweetheart's reaction.

I am already so close to Xiao Jin, and the little guy from before even said that he is the person he likes in front of Zhuang Hongwen. He always thought that the little guy had already accepted him, but he was just one step away from making it public.

They are so close every day, they will kiss and sleep in each other's arms. Although he didn't make it to the last step, in Leng Xiao's heart, he always thought that Mu Jin was the same as himself and agreed that they were lovers.

But now, Xiao Jin actually ran away. Could it be that he was different from what he thought, the little guy didn't actually want others to know that they were together, did he just treat himself as a plaything?

The dark thoughts in his heart became more and more serious, and Leng Xiao's eyes turned red. There was a sharp pain in his head, and the tyranny in his heart was born in vain.

But just when he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to rush into the room to grab Mu Jin out, the other party ran out in a hurry.

Leng Xiao stared at Mu Jin, as if staring at his own prey.

But I found that the little guy was blushing, holding something in front of him, and then said shyly: "I, I also prepared a dress, which is also the same style. We seem to have repeated..." Only one

sentence , Instantly extinguished the anger in the man's heart. Leng Xiao stared blankly at Mu Jin's blushing, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

It turned out that I was not rejected, and the little guy had the same thoughts as me, and he also prepared the same dress.

So, Xiaojin's heart is also the same as her own thoughts, right? He also wants everyone to know that they belong to each other doesn't he?

The joy in his heart was infinitely magnified, Leng Xiao hugged Mu Jin into his arms excitedly, and kissed the lips that spoke sweet words fiercely.

Mu Jin never thought that just two sets of dresses could make her sweetheart so emotional. It was just a simple kiss at first, and then they were simply pushed onto the sofa not far behind.

The man's kiss seemed disorganized, but very passionate, which made Mu Jin sink unconsciously. He could feel the joy of his lover, and responded unabashedly.

In fact, Mu Jin never thought about whether their relationship was public or not. He always wanted the whole world to know that a man belonged to him.

He didn't show it at home on weekdays, and it was just because of his sister. After all, I was always autistic in my previous situation, and if I didn't pay attention to Mu Yaqin, I might think that Leng Xiao had tricked me.

But now my state has basically recovered completely, and my career is on the right track again, so I can appear in a healthy state. Therefore, now he naturally has the judgment and the right to choose his own happiness.

He believed that if Mu Yaqin knew that he and Leng Xiao were really in love, she would definitely not stop her.

The two kissed for a long time, until Mu Jin's lips were red and swollen, the man was still reluctant to let him go. After all, the taste of the person in his arms is so good, Leng Xiao has always been a little addicted to being intimate with Mu Jin.

Just thinking of today's expert's advice, the man's heart is still a little heavy. He tried his best to conceal the gloom in his eyes. No matter what the future holds, every minute and every second now, he only hopes to bring more happiness to the little guy.

Because of this incident, it was already late for the two of them to set off. At Leng Xiao's insistence, they changed into the dresses that Mu Jin had prepared before.

Wearing the dress specially customized for him by his lover, the man went to the destination with Mu Jin contentedly.

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