chapter 63

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  Mu Jin appeared only after hearing the words, lowered his head and took the letters on the desk. He didn't raise his head the whole time, and accurately interpreted what a hidden guard should look like when he accepts his master's orders.

Wen Renhong also knew that the other party was a new secret guard sent by the Life and Death Camp. The people around him had changed over the years, and it was really difficult for him to survive in the royal family. If you are not careful, you will be doomed, and your own life cannot be completely guaranteed, let alone the people around you.

It's just that Wen Renhong also knows that there is a big difference between the life and death camp and the unified dark guard camp in the palace. The life and death camp is in the hidden pavilion, and the people trained there are not comparable to ordinary dark guards and dead servants, but those who can be dispatched to him are the best among them.

When Ying Shiyi faced him, he lowered his head the whole time, looking very respectful. But for some reason, Wen Renhong felt something was wrong in his heart. He always believed in his intuition, so he said to Mu Jin in front of him: "Wait a minute." Hearing this, Mu Jin immediately stood still, and stood quietly with his hands down

. Waiting for Wen Renhong's order. Then he saw the man walking in front of him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and ordered to himself: "Raise your head."

Mu Jin followed the other party's instruction and raised his head, looking straight ahead and not looking at his master's face. eyes.

Wen Renhong saw that Mu Jin was wearing the uniform black clothes of the dark guards, with a face scarf on his face, only his eyes were exposed.

These eyes are round and big, and they are a pair of extremely beautiful cat pupils. It's just a pity that the inside is pitch black without a trace of light, and the person in front of him seems to be just a puppet.

When Wen Renhong saw this, a strange emotion suddenly rose in his heart, and he always felt that these eyes did not seem to be like this. Obviously such beautiful eyes should be more agile, but at this moment, they are like a pool of stagnant water, which makes the man feel a little suffocated for a moment.

With a wave of his hand, the person in front of him left to perform the task. Wen Renhong stood at the door for a long time, still feeling a little unhappy.

It has been more than half a month since Ying Shiyi came to him, and he is usually quiet, so it can be said that his lurking skills are top-notch. If it weren't for his own strong martial arts, it would be difficult to detect the existence of the other party.

Wen Renhong's own martial arts can be regarded as a top-level master, and he has no shortage of capable people around him, so it is easy to tell how powerful Mu Jin is.

The opponent is thin and flexible. He knew that the life and death camp was a place where people could eat people. In the past, if he wanted to fully train his hands in it, even if he left, it would be a narrow escape.

The people there have already lost their minds, and they can't even be regarded as real people. They lost all their emotions and desires, and only had loyalty to their master.

The other's eyes flashed frequently in his mind, and the man always felt a little pity in his heart. As for the pity, he couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it. He directly took out the various news collected from the Yin Pavilion that he got today, and carefully analyzed and checked it.

On the other hand, Mu Jin just entered the palace to deliver a letter, which was not difficult for him at all. During this period of time, he has been by Wen Renhong's side, and he can almost figure out his lover's temper in this world.

Wen Renhong has two faces, but only the subordinates who are closest to him can understand this.

On weekdays, he always has a smile on his face. He seemed like an ignorant idiot, as the people said. The only thing to be thankful for was that he didn't rely on his status to be a dominator.

But when there are no outsiders around, the man will restrain his dandyism and become serious. The atmosphere around her was gloomy, and even her eyes were always filled with gloom.

Mu Jin knew very well that those who had ridiculed and humiliated Wen Renhong were all remembered by the man one by one. He's not moving now, just because he can't hit the ground with one hit. Once the opportunity is seized, the opponent will have no power to turn around.

Wen Renhui, the fourth prince I met today, has been investigated by the Yin Pavilion about his secret communication with the queen. Before entering the palace, the empress had an affair with Wen Renda, and now she secretly drugged Wen Renda in the palace, intending to slowly poison him.

Mu Jin, who is familiar with the original plot of this matter, naturally knows that what Wen Renhong asked Mu Jin to send to the Empress Dowager's palace was a affectionate letter written by the empress to Wen Renhui.

It was also his shrewdness that the man didn't allow himself to send this letter directly to the emperor's desk. It is obviously unreasonable for a concubine's private letter to appear directly in the heavily guarded emperor's bedroom. But when it was sent to the Queen Mother, there was a big difference.

Although it may look like Gongdou's frame, but everything is afraid of being set up. Even though the empress dowager is in charge of the sixth palace now, the empress dowager is the emperor's biological mother.

The Empress Dowager was cautious, and she tried her best to help Wen Renda ascend to the throne. Naturally, she did not want such a scandal to happen in the palace. But because other princes were involved in this matter, the queen mother would never hide it from the emperor.

According to the queen mother's method, she will definitely monitor the queen secretly, and only then will she discuss with Wen Renda if she has evidence.

Letting the new emperor know these things from the Queen Mother's channel is obviously the most vigilant and trustworthy thing for him. Even if Wen Renda didn't get angry immediately after finding out, he would definitely point the spearhead in his heart at Wen Renhui.

Once you have doubts, you will pay attention everywhere. At that time, many unknown truths will naturally emerge. I'm afraid it will soon be discovered that the Queen has drugged his daily diet.

After sending the letter to the queen mother's palace, Mu Jin returned to the palace. But after entering the palace, Mu Jin found a sneaky person wandering around Wen Renhong's courtyard in the courtyard.

The other party seemed to be very good at hiding his figure, and none of the masters in the palace found his trace. If it weren't for the presence of System 003, I'm afraid even I wouldn't have noticed the other party's existence.

Seeing that the person seemed to be planning to leave, he was worried that the other party had some useful information. Mu Jin quickly attacked and captured the man.

The noise from outside the room caught Wen Renhong's attention. When the man walked out of the room, he saw a man in night clothes who had been subdued by his dark guards.

Seeing that he was captured and Wen Renhong was standing in front of him, the man wanted to take poison and kill himself. Fortunately, Mu Jin sensed his intention in time, and instantly removed his jaw, taking out the poison sac from his mouth.

Wen Renhong looked down at the man who broke into the palace at night, his eyes were cold. The guards outside the door were all experts, but without Wen Renhong's order, they didn't dare to come in casually. This is also the rule set by the prince before.

Seeing that Mu Jin could easily restrain people, the man didn't call for more people. In the past, there were many people who came to spy, but it was difficult to keep alive.

Seeing Mu Jin's neat methods, the man was very satisfied. He knew that there were many torture methods in the life and death camp, so he handed this man over to Mu Jin, and asked him to interrogate the other party's origin and purpose.

After Mu Jin took the order, he took the person down, and within two quarters of an hour, he came back to reply and reported to Wen Renhong that this person was the current Holy Majesty. And the purpose of coming this time was not to assassinate, but to spy on the situation of the palace, but nothing was found.

Wen Renhong knew that the new emperor had never really assured himself, so it was reasonable to send some people who wanted to spy on him.

It's just that the people trained in the palace have always been tough. Although the ability is not as good as that trained by Yin Pavilion, Wen Renhong can't help but look at Mu Jin with admiration for being able to spit out in such a short period of time.

After looking at Mu Jin up and down, the man asked him, "How did you find out this information from him in such a short period of time?"

Mu Jin heard Wen Renhong's question, and replied respectfully: "The subordinates just fed him some potions made by himself, which can make people feel pain all over the body, but it won't kill him."

Wen Renhong was a little surprised when he heard Mu Jin's words: "I made it myself. Got it? Are you familiar with medicine?"

Mu Jin nodded. "The hidden guards in the Life and Death Camp all have their own strengths other than basic skills, and the understanding of related pharmacology is also one of the necessary skills. I'm just better at applying this way than others."

When Wen Renhong heard what Mu Jin said, he suddenly became interested. He knew that the medicine that could make the spies sent by the emperor overwhelmed must not be an ordinary thing, so he asked Mu Jin to take it out for him to have a look.

According to his words, Mu Jin took out a white porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to the other party. Wen Renhong took it and poured out a few red pills from it. I didn't expect that this would make Deadpool unable to bear the medicine of telling the truth, and it seemed nothing special.

Looking at the person who was looking straight ahead with a calm face, and could hardly see the slightest bit of joy, anger, sorrow or joy from the other person's eyes, Wen Renhong's heart suddenly flashed with unhappiness. Asked Mu Jin: "Is there an antidote?"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Jin took out two porcelain bottles, one black and one red, from his bosom, handed them to Wen Renhong, and explained: "Master, the antidote There are two types of medicine. The black bottle can be cured at one time, and the red bottle can only temporarily delay the pain, and it needs to be taken again every other month. If the antidote is not taken by the time, the poison's medicinal properties will break out. It makes people feel even more miserable."

"Since the medicine you made yourself can make people feel so painful, can you bear it yourself?" The man had a cynical smile that only appeared when he was outside, his eyes Looking straight at Mu Jin.

Mu Jin nodded, and said without hesitation: "I can bear it."

The man took out a red poison and put it in front of Mu Jin, and said to him: "Okay, since you said you can bear it, Then swallow it in front of me."

The dark guard must be loyal and absolutely obey his master, so even though he knew that the medicine in front of him would make him miserable, Mu Jin did not hesitate at all.

He picked up the pill in Wen Renhong's hand and was about to swallow it into his mouth, but Wen Renhong stopped the pill as soon as it touched his lips.

The smile on the man's face had already disappeared, and there was even a hint of anger between his brows. He clearly knew that this would be the result, but for some reason, a feeling of gloom arose in the man's heart.

He didn't know why he gave such boring orders. Even though the hidden guards were regarded as tools by most people, Wen Renhong never had the idea of ​​playing tricks on them for no reason.

Just now, he uttered such an instruction by accident, as if he just wanted to see if the person in front of him would show a little more expression because of it. But no, nothing, the man was as obedient as a puppet.

The man returned the medicine bottle to Mu Jin with an ugly face, and told him to deal with the spy. Feed the red antidote to the other party, so that the man can only report that everything is as usual after returning to the palace, and return to the palace to take the antidote every month. He waved his hand and let Mu Jin go down.

After hearing Wen Renhong's order, Mu Jin saluted and left here.

Seeing that the room became empty again, the man thought of Mu Jin who had just left. It seemed that this Ying Shiyi was much more capable than the previous dark guards.

The pair of unwavering cat eyes always flashed in his mind, Wen Renhong shook his head, then went to his bed, and closed his eyes until he felt the breath of another person in the room after a while.

Mu Jin's figure is well hidden, and there is no trace of him around at all. But Wen Renhong's martial arts is so strong, he can still sense the shallow breathing of another person in the room.

His perception of the outside world has always been keen, and he is always unable to fall asleep steadily on weekdays. This is also the reason why outside masters are not allowed to enter the prince's courtyard, and there is only one shadow guard left in his room.

Although it has been many years, Wen Renhong's current situation is completely different from before, but the man still often thinks of the days when he was a child when he was not as good as a servant in the palace.

It's not uncommon for people in the palace to worship high and step down, especially for someone like him who should be in a high position. Those palace people who were oppressed in the past tried their best to vent their anger on him.

He survived those helpless days little by little, but he still felt cold all over his body after dreaming at midnight. It seems to have returned to the winter of that year. The charcoal fire in my room was cut off, and the little child was huddled in the cold cloth, as if he would be frozen to death in the next second.

As a result, his nerves were always tense, as if he had heard a certain palace official say it. Those who died of cold had fallen asleep and never woke up again. Therefore, he stayed up all night and night, even biting his own arm to keep himself awake.

He didn't want to die, he wanted to live, so Wen Renhong didn't want to just die like this!

It's not that no one knew his situation, but in that man-eating palace, who would care. Fortunately, my vitality was tenacious enough, even if I groveled to please those servants, I finally didn't die of cold and starvation.

Later, in order to stand out from the siege, Wen Renhong invited himself to the Guanghan Temple in the mountains to pray for the late emperor. At that time, eating vegetarian food every day did not feel bitter. At least the abbot in the temple was kind, and the monks treated him well. .

It's just that he has to do the incense and chanting, and people in the palace want to record it every day. So at a young age, he had to kneel in front of the Buddha for at least six or seven hours a day. His knees were always painful, numb, red and swollen, and the strong fragrance in the hall made him feel oppressed, but he endured it forcefully.

That's why Wen Renhong didn't like the smell of incense when he grew up. Even later, I even felt disgusted by the fragrance of those powders, and the flowers and trees planted in my yard had to choose those without any fragrance.

Although his situation improved a lot after praying for blessings and returning to the palace, his nervousness has not changed over the years. Especially after I have practiced martial arts and my five senses have become sharper, it is even more difficult to fall asleep, and I will wake up with a slight noise.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that since Ying Shishi stayed by his side, his rest has really been much more secure than before. At least I don't reject him like I do other hidden guards.

Or, it's because Ying Eleven's martial arts are really stronger than others, and his movements are lighter and quieter so that he won't disturb himself.

Closing his eyes while thinking wildly, Wen Renhong tried his best to let himself fall asleep.

When Mu Jin saw that his lover finally closed his eyes, he released a little spiritual consciousness to soothe his lover's spirit. This is also the inspiration he got after using spiritual power in the last world. This bit of divine consciousness is not yet noticed by the world consciousness.

He knew that Wen Renhong had never had a good rest and was in poor spirits. Not wanting his lover to be troubled by this all the time, Mu Jin tried to make him relax as much as possible after falling asleep.

Although it is not as rejuvenating as the direct contact with him, the man's condition has finally been partially relieved by this.

In the following days, after Wen Renhong learned of Mu Jin's talent, he ordered him to do things more frequently.

The man found that as long as he asked Ying Shiyi to do something, the other party never made any mistakes, and everything could be handled properly for him. It can be said that everything the other party does is particularly in line with his own wishes.

Sometimes you don't even need to say more, just a glance at the other party can understand, such a capable helper makes Wen Renhong very satisfied, and naturally pays more attention to Mu Jin.

Ordinary hidden guards may only need loyalty and strong martial arts, but the proper handling of affairs is a display of ability. A loyal subordinate is rare, and a loyal and capable subordinate is even rarer.

So Wen Renhong couldn't help but pay more and more attention to Mu Jin, as if he would feel extra relieved as long as he left things to the other party. Even with this person by his side, the tense nerves in his mind can relax a lot.

All of this is naturally done by Mu Jin on purpose, he knows that his lover is highly vigilant in this world. As a dark guard and from the camp of life and death, I shouldn't show too much emotion. After all, it is taboo for a hidden guard to have feelings.

Therefore, he will never act rashly until he has completely gained the trust of his lover. Now that he is now by the man's side, as long as there is a chance, Mu Jin will try his best to do what he ordered.

There have been so many worlds together, although the lover's personality is more or less different in each world, but the lover's heart has never changed. It is easy for Mu Jin to make Wen Renhong feel at ease.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Wen Renhong to get used to Mu Jin being by his side.

Although the man himself has not fully realized it, Mu Jin can already sense that the other party has begun to unconsciously show a relaxed posture in front of him.

Sometimes Wen Renhong would even drink a couple of glasses by himself in his room, staring at the moonlight in a daze.

Wen Renhong didn't feel that there was any major event that changed him recently, but somehow felt that life really seemed to have a little more flavor.

The fourth prince, Wen Renhui, is having a hard time recently. The emperor has ordered a private investigation into the case of embezzlement of ink and disasters committed by him a few years ago. Wen Renhui received the wind, and it can be said that he is in a state of desperation recently.

Wen Renhong was naturally very clear about Wen Renhui's situation, and he wanted to have a drink or two while the night was beautiful and he was in a good mood.

In the past, men only dared to taste wine. Even if he is sensual on the surface, no matter where he goes, Wen Renhong will never really get drunk. Even if he needs to drink more on some occasions, he will definitely take anti-alcoholic drugs in advance.

But now, since Ying Shiyi is by his side, Wen Renhong has relaxed a lot. I always feel a sense of steadiness in my heart, even if I really drink two more glasses, I always feel that there should be nothing serious.

But after drinking two glasses of wine, the man lost interest again, feeling that it was too boring for him to drink alone all the time.

With a second thought, even if the other person in the room didn't make any noise, Wen Renhong knew that Mu Jin was here. After hesitating for a moment, the man stretched out his fingers and tapped the table twice, and called "Shadow Eleven" into the air.

Hearing Wen Renhong's call, Mu Jin hurriedly put the milk cake he had bitten into into his arms . Putting on the veil, he rolled over from the beam, and appeared in front of Wen Renhong on one knee.

"Come closer, are you afraid that I will eat you?" Seeing Mu Jin kneeling not far from him, Wen Renhong said casually. He drank another glass of wine, and looked at Mu Jin with a little blurred eyes.

Mu Jin stood up and walked to Wen Renhong according to his words, quietly waiting for the other party's order. But he didn't expect that the other party would pick up the wine glass on the side, pour another glass of wine, put it on the table and say to himself: "Drink with me."

Mu Jin blinked his eyes when he heard this, raised his head again, but He has hidden all the doubts in his eyes. He glanced at the man opposite him who only wore a robe over his obscene clothes. He took a drink from the glass in front of him with a wanton posture.

The dark guard is not allowed to drink alcohol while guarding the master, which is a broken rule. However, if his master asked him to drink, he must drink. Because the master's words are the imperial decree, and obedience is his first duty. So no matter what Wen Renhong asked Mu Jin to do, he would never refuse.

The face scarf of the person opposite was pulled down, revealing a small nose and bright red lips, matched with those round cat pupils, falling on Mu Jin's small face is really indescribably cute.

The man opposite couldn't help being stunned, this was the first time Wen Renhong saw Mu Jin completely. Even though the other party's chin was still covered by the face scarf, he couldn't see it completely, but it still attracted all the eyes of the man.

He stared at Mu Jin and looked again and again, even though Wen Renhong saw many beauties, but facing Mu Jin at this moment, he still couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart. This hidden guard of his own looks really good.

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